
Building Interfaith Relationships for Ramadan in OH

November 8, 2004

Source: The Enquirer (Cincinnati)

On November 8, 2004 Enquirer reported, "more than 150 people of different faiths broke bread together Sunday to mark the Muslim holy month of Ramadan... The iftar, a meal that breaks the day's fast, was a first for the Cincinnati office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations-Ohio, which opened in March. The non-profit, grassroots organization aims at promoting...

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In Cleveland, Talk of Peace and Tolerance

November 6, 2004

Source: The Cleveland Jewish News

On November 6, 2004 The Cleveland Jewish News reported, "about 75 people of differing religions and ethnicities joined the Islamic Discussion Group of Cleveland State University for an iftar dinner concluding a day of fasting during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. Three experts on the Abrahamic faiths - Islam, Christianity and...

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After Election FBI Eases Interviews of Muslims but Reservations Persist

November 6, 2004

Source: Los Angeles Times,1,5069567.story

On November 6, 2004 the Los Angeles Times reported, "the FBI began ... interviews, officials said, to preempt possible terrorist attacks aimed at disrupting last Tuesday's election. Agents plan to continue them through the presidential inauguration in January. The sessions began shortly after U.S. Atty. Gen. John Ashcroft said in June...

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Caution for Ramadan Giving

November 6, 2004

Source: Los Angeles Times,1,5163795.story

On November 6, 2004 the Los Angeles Times reported, "for many American Muslims, the war on terror is forcing modern adjustments to Islam's age-old tradition of charitable giving. Their faith requires them to contribute a religious tax known as zakat, amounting to 2.5% of their assets, to the poor and other needy people listed in the Koran. In...

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Update on Accommodations in GA Schools for Muslim Students

November 6, 2004

Source: The Atlanta Journal Constitution

On November 6, 2004 The Atlanta Journal Constitution reported, "Gwinnett County schools and the family of two students at Duluth High School continued negotiations Monday over how best to accommodate Muslims who want to attend congregational prayer on Friday afternoons. Last week, the school system presented three options excusing...

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Pope Encourages Iraqi Prime Minister to Pursue Democracy and Religious Freedom

November 4, 2004

Source: Catholic News Service

On November 4, 2004 Catholic News Service reported, "Pope John Paul II encouraged Iraqi Prime Minister Iyad Allawi to pursue democracy and religious freedom in his country and told him he prayed for the victims of terrorism and violence there. The pope met with Allawi, his wife, Thana, and members of the Iraqi interim government in a private audience at the Vatican Nov. 4. It...

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Editorial Suggests that Mosque Will Benefit Community

November 4, 2004

Source: The Boston Globe

On November 4, 2004 The Boston Globe reported that, "the new leadership of the embattled Islamic Society of Boston is saying clearly that it wants to join the family of forward-looking religious institutions in the city. Such an outcome would benefit both local Muslims who want to practice their religion free of extremist influences and members of other faiths who seek to engage Muslims in positive discussions. Concerns had escalated in recent weeks about the Cambridge-based group's undertaking to build a $22 million mosque and...

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Interfaith Leaders Acknowledged for Role in Quelling Religious Unrest

November 4, 2004

Source: Worldwide Faith News

On November 4, 2004 Worldwide Faith News reported, "Global humanitarian agency Church World Service paid tribute to interfaith leaders in Liberia today for being instrumental in helping restore calm following a fresh round of violence in Monrovia that erupted last Thursday (Oct 28) and that was initially reported as being between Muslims and Christians. Following the burning of several churches, mosques and...

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Islamic Leaders Warn of Reprisal After Death of 85 Muslims During Protest

November 4, 2004

Source: BBC News

On November 4, 2004 the BBC News reported, "Thailand's troubled south remains tense after a series of violent incidents left at least seven people dead.

The killings came a week after 85 Muslims were killed when a protest turned violent, many of them suffocated while in police custody.

Islamic leaders warned that the tragedy could trigger reprisal attacks in Thailand's mainly...

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State Department Sets up Prayer Room for Muslims

November 4, 2004

Source: Newsday

Wire Service: AP,0,2081523.story?coll=sns-ap-politics-headlines

On November 4, 2004 Newsday/AP reported, "in a gesture to Muslims, the State Department on Thursday set up a prayer room for some 150 guests invited to dinner by Secretary of State Colin Powell to end their daylight Ramadan fast. Rugs were...

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Dutch Filmmaker Killed Following Outrage Over Film Critiquing Islamic Treatment of Women

November 3, 2004

Source: The Washington Post

On November 3, 2004 The Washington Post reported, "A Dutch filmmaker who outraged members of the Muslim community with his attacks on the treatment of women in Islamic society was gunned down and stabbed to death on an Amsterdam street Tuesday morning. Witnesses said a gunman opened fire on Theo van Gogh, 47, as the filmmaker...

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MN Islamic Center’s Expansion Questioned

November 3, 2004

Source: The Star Tribune

On November 3, 2004 The Star Tribune reported, "the Islamic Center of Minnesota has outgrown its Fridley building and wants to expand, but upset neighbors fear the center may grow too big for the neighborhood... The center is trying to address neighbors' concerns about parking, privacy and traffic in the expansion's design, said Anwar Abdul Karim, the center's vice president. The center's main...

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Dutch Fear Backlash Directed at Muslims After Murder of Filmmaker

November 3, 2004

Source: BBC News

On November 3, 2004 the BBC News reported, "When the populist politician Pim Fortuyn was assassinated two years ago, it was said the Netherlands had lost its innocence.

By comparison, film maker Theo van Gogh's murder has evoked sensations of d�j� vu, rather than disbelief. But that does not mean the fall-out will be any less serious.

In 2002, the revelation that Pim Fortuyn's killer was...

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