
Learning to be British and Muslim

June 29, 2008

Author: Staff Writer

Source: Times Online

It’s 3pm and the girls at Madani high school in Leicester are trooping out of the gates. They wear white scarves over dark blue djellabas – a shapeless coat worn over trousers. No sign of the boys: they don’t leave for another half an hour.

Boys and girls operate on a different timetable,...

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Hindu Groups Protest Haj House Construction in Ghaziabad

June 29, 2008

Author: Staff Writer

Source: Indo-Asian News Service

At least 11 activists of the Shiv Sena and Hindu Mahasabha were arrested in Ghaziabad Sunday as they tried to disrupt work at the under construction Haj House, which is proposed to be a halting place for Haj pilgrims from Uttar Pradesh.

The foundation stone of the Haj House, to be built on the banks of...

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India's Moderate Muslims See Peril In Growth of Stricter Form of Islam

June 29, 2008

Author: Rama Lakshmi

Source: Washington Post Foreign Service

On his way out of the town mosque, through a green archway, Ghulam Sarwar Sheikh was handed a copy of the community newspaper. Quietly glancing over the front page, he sighed. The article that had caught his attention was about a series of bombings in an Indian city last...

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Hindus Will Not Get Kashmir Land

June 29, 2008

Author: Staff Writer

Source: BBC News

The government of Indian-administered Kashmir has said it will revoke its decision to transfer land to a body that manages an important Hindu shrine.

News that the Amarnath Shrine Board was to get the forest land sparked days of protests by the area's Muslim majority.

Three people were killed and hundreds injured, including police officers....

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Muslims Will Be Searched by Sniffer Dogs Despite Religious Objections, Say Police

June 27, 2008

Author: Staff Writer

Source: Daily Mail Reporter

Questions have been raised over using sniffer dogs to search Muslim passengers at train stations following complaints that it is against their religion.

Some Muslims had raised objections over being...

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Fez Music Festival Builds Bridges

June 27, 2008

Author: Magdi Abdelhadi

Source: BBC News

The week that Saudi Arabia held its first ever conference on interfaith dialogue, Morocco was hosting its 14th festival of World Sacred Music.

Artists from all over the world converged on its ancient city of Fez, to the east of the capital Rabat. While the Saudi gathering was made up of only Muslim clerics discussing a framework for future dialogue...

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Islamic, Buddhist, Hindu and Catholic Schools to be Integrated into Nepal’s Education System

June 27, 2008

Author: Kalpit Parajuli

Source: Asia News

Confessional schools will be recognised by the state and receive public funds but must in return adapt to a national curriculum. This change does not pose any problem to Catholic schools, which are among the best in the country, but not so for all confessional schools which must implement major changes.

“Small amounts of money have been...

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Obama Walks a Fine Line with Muslims

June 26, 2008

Author: Amy Chozick

Source: The Wall Street Journal

It is inaccurate to call Barack Obama a Muslim. Is it a slur?

The Obama campaign suggests it is. A new campaign Web site designed to air and rebut potentially damaging Internet rumors reads in one part: "Smear: Barack Obama is a Muslim... Truth: Sen. Obama has never been a Muslim, was not...

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Malaysia Burial Row Fuels Tension

June 26, 2008

Author: Frances Harrison

Source: BBC News

The Islamic authorities in Malaysia are in dispute with the Hindu family of a man who committed suicide - with both sides claiming the body for burial.

It is the latest in a series of cases where against the wishes of families Muslim officials have seized remains of people they say converted to Islam.

The family of the man contest his...

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Call for Action on Muslim Youth

June 26, 2008

Author: Staff Writer

Source: BBC News

Scotland is not getting the most out of its Muslim youth, according to a new organisation.

The Scottish-Islamic Foundation (SIF) has called for more attention and help to be given to young people. The organisation said issues surrounded education, employment and crime, while "everyone also wants to talk about terrorism".

It hopes to...

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INTERVIEW-Former Indonesian President Urges Religious Tolerance

June 25, 2008

Author: Sara Webb

Source: Reuters

Indonesia's former President Abdurrahman Wahid on Wednesday slammed government restrictions on a controversial Islamic sect and urged the "silent majority" of moderate Muslims to speak out in defence of religious tolerance.

Under pressure from hardline groups, the government issued a ministerial decree this month that stopped short of banning the...

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Russia 'Abuses Ingush Minority'

June 25, 2008

Author: Staff Writer

Source: BBC News

Russian security forces have carried out widespread human rights abuses in the southern province of Ingushetia, a campaign group has claimed.

Human Rights Watch (HRW) says it has documented dozens of arbitrary detentions, disappearances, acts of torture and extra-judicial executions.

Russia has been fighting Muslim rebels in the area for several years...

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Dispelling Misconceptions About a ‘Hijacked’ Faith

June 25, 2008

Author: Erika Niedowski

Source: The National

Imran Hafiz was in Grade 4 when the World Trade Center came crashing down on September 11 at the hands of al Qa’eda. Soon afterwards, some children at his Arizona school shunned him on the playground, and he asked why.

“Because you’re a Taliban,” they said.

“No, I’m...

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