
Interfaith Community Defends Muslim Cleric Accused of Aiding Terror in San Diego

August 6, 2004

Source: The San Diego Union Tribune

On August 6, 2004 The San Diego Union Tribune reported that, "people of many faiths voice their support for El-Mazain. Scores of people crowded the federal courthouse Tuesday in support of a prominent San Diego Muslim cleric whose arrest on terrorism charges inspired Jewish, Catholic and Protestant community leaders to come to...

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Muslims to Purchase Methodist Church in Ocoee FL

August 6, 2004

Source: Orlando Sentinel,1,6091489.story

On August 6, 2004 Orlando Sentinel reported, "The Foundation of Lights, a Muslim organization, has signed a contract to buy the Ocoee Oaks United Methodist Church for $600,000 and has raised about half the $200,000 down payment needed to seal the deal, said foundation board member Naeem Nasir. The mosque, which...

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Offensive Articles on Islam May Have Been Authored by Senior Press Officer of British Council

August 6, 2004

Source: The Guardian,3604,1277423,00.html

On August 6, 2004 The Guardian reported, "Muslim groups and individuals have flooded the British Council with complaints after learning that one of its senior press officers allegedly wrote controversial Sunday Telegraph articles attacking 'the black heart of Islam.' The government-funded body, which recently commissioned a handbook on Islam 'to prevent ignorant comments about...

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Opinion: Muslims Should Learn from Jews' Successful Integration into European Society

August 5, 2004

Source: The Independent

On August 5, 2004 The Independent ran an opinion piece by Ismail Patel, chairman of a Leicester-based human rights organization, in which he wrote about the situation faced by Muslims in British society: "British Muslims today find themselves caught between a rock and a hard place. They are told to integrate, but when they do, via active political...

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More Details on Controversy Surrounding the Pro-Islam Resolution in Dearborn Michigan

August 5, 2004

Source: Detroit Free Press

On August 5, 2004 Detroit Free Press reported, "In the fall election of 2001, Bob Constan, an attorney, ran for City Council against two incumbent councilmen, Jumanah Judeh and David Turfe, who are both of Arab descent. Turfe is also Muslim. In the weeks after Sept. 11, a man claiming to be a pollster made calls to residents in Dearborn Heights. The pollster's questions had more to do...

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Debate Over Headscarf Continues; Potential Bill Would Ban Religious Symbols in Public Service Jobs

August 5, 2004

Source: Inter Press Service News Agency

On August 5, 2004 Inter Press Service News Agency reported, "An Allensbach Institute survey in Germany indicated recently that 53 percent of Germans regard the headscarf as a form of repression, and something not reconcilable with western values. The German states Baden-Wuerttemberg, Saarland and Lower Saxony have all passed laws banning Islamic headscarves from public schools...Now the...

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Government Begins Formal Discussions on Financing Religious Institutions

August 5, 2004

Source: The New York Times

On August 5, 2004 The New York Times reported, "The Spanish government has begun formal discussions on a proposal to expand financing to religious institutions, and security officials say that one intention is to subsidize mosques to make them less dependent on money from militant groups abroad. The Justice Ministry proposal, which legal...

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Editorial: Chaplain Yee Resigns, Still Seeking an Apology

August 5, 2004

Source: The Oregonian

On August 5, 2004 The Oregonian reported that, "this week, [Chaplain James Yee] submitted a letter of resignation, effective in January, admitting defeat. Despite the fact that he has prevailed in court against his accusers, he wrote, his reputation and his prospects in the Army are ruined. Was Yee, a Chinese...

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Worker Fired for Eating Pork at Company With Muslim Ties

August 4, 2004

Source: Central Florida Local 6 News

On August 4, 2004 the Central Florida Local 6 News reported, "A Central Florida woman was fired from her job after eating 'unclean' meat and violating a reported company policy that pork and pork products are not permissible on company premises, according to Local 6 News... Lina Morales was hired as an administrative assistant at Rising Star -- a Central Florida telecommunications company...

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Russian Orthodox Church Reaches Out to Muslims in Persian Gulf

August 4, 2004


Wire Service: AP

On August 4, 2004 the Associated Press reported, "The Russian Orthodox Church said Wednesday that it hopes to develop closer ties with the predominantly Islamic Persian Gulf region, the Interfax news agency reported. Metropolitan Kirill, who heads the church's foreign relations department, said the decision to boost cooperation is based on the...

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