
Christian, Muslim and Jewish Leaders Teach Tolerance to High Schoolers

December 16, 2005

Source: Courier-Post

On December 16, 2005 the Courier-Post reported, "A priest, a Muslim, a pastor and a rabbi walk into a high school auditorium. But this isn't the start of a joke. The Rev. James Maggart, a pastor at the Assumption parish in Atco, Muslim American Community Association Managing Director Zia Rahman, Rabbi Richard Levine of...

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Muslims in Glasgow Experience Continued Discrimination Post 9/11

December 16, 2005

Source: The Muslim News

On December 16, 2005 The Muslim News reported, "A study to help to an incoming Inter Faith Liaison Officer in Glasgow City Council has revealed that the city’s Muslim community 'is perceived, by all faith groups surveyed, to be the group most under pressure' post September 11, 2001. The study commissioned by the Executive and Glasgow City Council showed, 'People wearing...

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Government Drops Plans to Shut Down Extremist Mosques

December 16, 2005

Source: The Guardian,2763,1668779,00.html

On December 16, 2005 The Guardian reported, "Ministers yesterday dropped plans proposed by Tony Blair as part of his 12-point anti-terror plan in the wake of the July bombings to close mosques that are used to foment extremism after criticism from the police and religious leaders. The home secretary, Charles Clarke, proposed the police should have the power to secure a court...

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Update: US Muslims Ask Judge to Ban Border Searches Ahead of This Year’s Toronto Conference

December 15, 2005

Source: The Brandon Sun

Wire Service: AP

On December 15, 2005 the Associated Press reported, "A group of Muslim-Americans asked a federal judge Thursday to allow them to travel to a religious conference in Toronto later this month without being fingerprinted, photographed and held for hours at the border, like they were on the way home from last year's gathering. In a case that weighs...

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FBI Interrogates Muslim High School Student Over �PLO� Notebook Doodles

December 15, 2005


On December 15, 2005 reported, "Area civil rights groups are angry after a Muslim Elk Grove high school student was taken out of class and questioned by FBI agents over three letters he scrawled on his binder two years ago.

Calvine High School student Munir Rashed, 16, said he was pulled out of class on September 27 and questioned by two men who identified themselves as FBI...

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Churches Become Targets in Sydney's Race Riots

December 15, 2005



On December 15, 2005 reported, "As police in Sydney brace for the possibility of more street brawls this weekend, Christian symbols have become a new target following last Sunday's clashes between white Australians and ethnic Arab gangs.

Four such attacks were reported in two days - a Uniting church hall was torched; an Anglican church's windows were smashed; Molotov cocktails were thrown...

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Hillsborough Charter School OKs Muslim Holiday

December 15, 2005

Source: The Tampa Tribune


On December 15, 2005 The Tampa Tribune reported, "Terrace Community School has become the first public school in Hillsborough County to give students a day off for the Muslim holiday marking the end of Ramadan. During their monthly meeting Wednesday, board members for the charter school approved the 2006-07 school calendar, which includes a day off for the Eid al-Fitr holiday. About 5 percent of the school's 352 students are Muslim... The proposal to establish...

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Jews, Muslims Defend “Christian” Christmas

December 15, 2005

Source: Beliefnet

Wire Service: RNS

On December 15, 2005 Religion News Service reported, "The movement defending Christmas as a Christian holiday has attracted some unlikely allies: religiously observant Jews and Muslims. Their support bucks the assumption that religious minorities prefer a neutral approach to the season, desiring 'Happy Holidays' instead of 'Merry Christmas' at...

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Muslim Chaplain at Yale Writes “Koran for Dummies” Book

December 15, 2005

Source: New Haven Advocate

On December 15, 2005 the New Haven Advocate reported, "When it comes to religion, especially the widely misunderstood religion of Islam, many could benefit from an eraser to the head. Scholars have obliged recently, lobbing shots into the English-speaking world with books like... The Koran for Dummies, by Sohaib Sultan, the Islamic chaplain at...

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Opinion: “Pluralism Has Long Been an Important American Tradition”

December 14, 2005



On December 14, 2005 the reported, "More than a month has passed since the Hillsborough County school board reversed itself and reinstated Yom Kipper, Good Friday, and the Monday after Easter as official school holidays. The conflict began when a Muslim American, Ahmed Bedier, born in Egypt, decided to politely ask Hillsborough school officials to add some Muslim holidays to the school calendar. The school officials spent more than a year...

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