
Post-9/11 Hatred Waning, but Not Gone

September 13, 2003

Source: Newsday,0,2779019.story?coll=ny-li-vertical-headlines

On September 13, 2003 Newsday reported that "angry, screaming strangers no longer cut Harpreet Bagga off on the Long Island Expressway. They do not vandalize his home or spit in his face, as they had done to many other Sikh, Arab and Muslim Americans amid the terror and confusion...

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Islamic Roots Important as Cultural Rather Than Religious Identity

September 12, 2003

Source: BBC News

On September 12, 2003 the BBC News reported that "Bosnia-Hercegovina, which emerged as an independent state in 1992, is one of only a handful of countries in Europe where Muslims form the largest group in the population. But religion in Bosnia - or the cultural tradition it represents among the many secular-minded people - is a crucial badge of self-identity. Without that form of self-definition,...

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Post 9/11 Investigations Make Life Harder for German Muslims

September 11, 2003

Source: Deutsche Welle,3367,1432_A_967879_1_A,00.html

On September 11, 2003 Deutsche Welle reported that "[i]nvestigations into the roots of 9/11 terror and Islamic extremism in Germany have made life harder for the country’s 3.2 million Muslims and engendered distrust of the government.

In the wake of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks on New York and Washington, many Germans grew distrustful of the millions of...

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Abrahamic Faiths in Ohio Hold Interfaith Community Gathering for Peace

September 11, 2003

Source: Akron Beacon Journal

On September 11, 2003 the Akron Beacon Journal reported that 'On the eve of today's second anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon, Ibrahim [an area Muslim] joined with more than 300 Muslims, Christians and Jews to share a meal, remember the tragedy, and pray for a peaceful future.

He was one of several speakers Wednesday evening at a...

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Muslim Groups Mobilize to Remove Bush in 2004

September 11, 2003

Source: NCM

On September 11, 2003 NCM reported: "Leading Muslim groups say that as many as 1 million of their followers may express their dissatisfaction with current federal policies toward Muslims by voting against the administration of George W. Bush in the coming presidential elections, Al-Jazeera reported. That is the goal of three...

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NCC and CAIR Release Joint Statement Commemorating Sept. 11

September 11, 2003

Source: National Council of Churches

On September 11, 2003 National Council of Churches released a joint statement by Bob Edgar, general secretary of the National Council of Churches USA and Ghazi Khankan, executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations-New York, commemorating the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks: "On this second anniversary of the terror attacks, we must come together in a spirit of national unity and...

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ABC News Poll Says Americans More Suspicious of Muslims Post 9/11

September 11, 2003

Source: WRIC TV (VA)

On September 11, 2003 WRIC TV in Virginia reported on a poll conducted by ABC News showing that Americans have become more suspicious of Muslims since Sept. 11, 2001. "Americans' suspicions of Islam have grown sharply since the 9/11 attacks, and less than half now call it a peaceful religion, according to a new ABC News poll. It finds that more than a third of Americans surveyed now believe that Islam...

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Imam W.D. Mohammed, Leader of American Black Muslims, Resigns

September 11, 2003



On September 11, 2003, ran an article on how W.D. Mohammed "dramatically changed Islam in America." The article read, "In stepping down, Mohammed implicitly criticized some of the American Muslim leaders for not taking orthodox Islam seriously enough.  'I have tried over the last 10 to 12 years to encourage them to get more religious education, but I have made no progress,' he told the...

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Editorial: Imam W.D. Mohammed Worked for Equality and Peace

September 10, 2003


On September 10, 2003 ran an editorial column by Precious Muhammad, a Pluralism Project research affiliate, on her experience of W.D. Mohammed's leadership while growing up as an African-American Muslim. She writes, "Imam Mohammed's teachings... incubated the desire within me to become a scholar of religion and champion of peace. I recall fondly how my siblings and I would listen to...

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Imam W.D. Mohammed, Leader of American Black Muslims, Resigns

September 9, 2003



On September 9, 2003, ran an article on "the story behind W.D. Mohammed's momentous break with his father and his alliance with Malcolm X."

First Muslim High School in France Opens in Lille

September 9, 2003

Source: The New York Times


On September 9, 2003, The New York Times ran an article on the opening of France's first Muslim high school, focusing on the issues this raises in a secular state: "The challenge for France is to preserve the country's secular identity as codified under a century-old law on the separation of church and state, meet the demands of its second-largest religious community and discourage...

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September 11 Vigils Bring Solace to Christians, Muslims, Jews

September 9, 2003

Source: The Boston Globe

On September 9, 2003 The Boston Globe reported, "The Candles -- gentle metaphors for grief, remembrance, and solidarity -- will burn during 43 vigils in 22 states and four countries. There will be eight in New York, home to more than 2,000 of the dead, and three in Massachusetts,...

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