
Muslim Schools Win Zoning Battles in Virginia and California

February 12, 1998

Source: The Washington Post

On February 12, 1998, The Washington Post reported that the Loudon County Planning Commission voted unanimously on February 11 to recommend approval of a Muslim school project in Virginia. The Post reports that the project had "drawn fierce opposition from some residents who say they fear it will attract terrorists. Members of the commission said they had considered residents' concerns about the proposed school, but had to base their...

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Tustin Marine Facility Serves a Prayer Hall for Eid al-Fitr in Orange County, California

January 29, 1998

Source: Los Angeles Times

The Los Angeles Times and The Orange County Register reported on the use of the Tustin Marine Corps Hangar on January 29, 1998 by Orange County Area Muslims celebrating Eid al-Fitr. This creative solution to the problem of finding a place for some 11,000 local Muslims to pray was the result of an interfaith effort. The Register's article from January 30 is entitled "Hangar Has Plenty of Room for Prayer." The...

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