
Coalition Unites to Stop Hate Speech

January 15, 2005

Source: Muslim Civil Rights Center Press Release

On January 15, 2005 a Muslim Civil Rights Center Press Release reported, "following intense pressure from community groups spearheaded by the Muslim Public Affairs Council, a Santa Monica, CA storeowner agreed to remove signs from her store windows which called Palestinians 'Gaza cockroaches' and Islam a 'pig faith.' Bunnie Meyers also stated her intention...

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Germans Increasingly Anti-Semitic, Xenophobic

January 15, 2005

Source: The Washington Times

On January 15, 2005 The Washington Times reported, "Germany is growing less tolerant of immigrants, especially Muslims, and more inclined toward anti-Semitism, regarding Jews in the same vein as foreigners, according to a new study of German attitudes. 'There is no distinction anymore between Jews, foreigners and Muslims,' said Paul Spiegel, chairman of the Central Council of...

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African American Muslims Face Double Crises Since 9-11

January 15, 2005

Source: The Northwest Herald/ LA Times

On January 15, 2005 The Northwest Herald reported, "if there is an American iteration of Islam – and worshipers here insist there is – the Mosque of the Islamic Brotherhood on the corner of 113th Street and St. Nicholas Avenue is it. This thriving, mostly black congregation is a place where Islam has no foreign accent, and where notions of Islam vs. the West...

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Osceola County Residents Oppose Building of Mosque

January 14, 2005

Source: WFTV

Wire Service: AP

On January 14, 2005 WFTV/AP reported, "a group of Osceola County homeowners is fighting to prevent construction of a mosque in the neighborhood. Members of the Albir Islamic Association want to build a new mosque between 17-92 and Tampa Highway. They say they've outgrown their storefront mosque off State Road 535... County planners have recommended commissioners approve...

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Shari’ah Law Proposal Supported by B’nai B’rith, Sparking Ire of Islamic and Jewish Feminists

January 14, 2005

Source: The Forward

On January 14, 2005 The Forward reported, "In a move that is angering Jewish feminists, B'nai Brith Canada is supporting the demands of conservative Muslims in the province of Ontario who wish to have the right to use private arbitration based on Islamic law for the resolution of their marital, custody and inheritance disputes. A report prepared for the Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General recommended last...

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Middle School Teacher Transferred After Disparaging Remark About Qur'an

January 14, 2005

Source: Detroit Free Press

Wire Service: AP

On January 14, 2005 the Detroit Free Press reported, "a middle school history teacher in a heavily Arab Detroit suburb has been transferred for telling students that Bedouin Arabs used the Qur'an as toilet paper. The Woodworth Middle School teacher had been under paid suspension since last month as school officials investigated and...

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Religions Vie for Roles in Tsunami Relief Effort

January 13, 2005


Wire Service: AP

On January 13, 2005 the Associated Press reported, "Muslim radicals are handing out Qurans with the bags of rice and sugar they distribute to tsunami victims. Christian aid groups have also rushed in, quietly promising salvation in this predominantly Islamic region but fearful their presence could spark sectarian violence. Across the Indian...

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Muslim Girls’ School Judged Best Secondary School

January 13, 2005

Source: The Independent

On January 13, 2005 The Independent reported, "Britain's first all-girls' Muslim state school has been adjudged the best secondary school in England for adding "value" to children's education. Feversham College, in Bradford, was deemed to have boosted students' performance more than any other secondary school. Each pupil scored an average of 340.3 points - equivalent to...

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America’s Faiths Rally in Tsunami Relief Effort

January 13, 2005

Source: The San Diego Union-Tribune

On January 13, 2005 The San Diego Union-Tribune reported, "In the aftermath of the Indian Ocean tsunami has come a faith-based response of unprecedented aid, ongoing prayers and questions of why. The outpouring includes millions of dollars from Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Christians, Jews and other faiths touched by this catastrophe and...

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Tsunami Unites But Also Divides People Along Religious and Ethnic Lines

January 12, 2005

Source: The New York Times

On January 12, 2005 The New York Times reported, "Across nations and religions there has been a search for explanations of not only why the tsunami came but why it killed some and not others - and a vibrant, sometimes virulent cottage industry is supplying them. Some discern a lesson that humanity should unite...

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China Sends Seven Tons of Halal Food Tsunami-Hit Areas

January 11, 2005

Source: People's Daily Online/Xinhua

On January 11, 2005 the People's Daily Online/Xinhua reported, "China has sent about seven tons of Muslim food to the tsunami-hit areas among batches of other relief materials, according to Beijing Yueshengzhai Muslim Food Co., Ltd., one of China's major Muslim Food producer. Since many victims in the tsunami-hit areas are believers of Islam, Chinese...

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Some Rejecting "Asian" Label in Favor of Religious Identity

January 11, 2005

Source: The Guardian,3604,1387449,00.html

On January 11, 2005 The Guardian ran a commentary by Sarfraz Manzoor on the rejection of the term "Asian" as a colonial term. He writes, "[T]he very word 'Asian' was also cooked up in this country. It went largely unnoticed at the time but, as I discovered while making a radio documentary, there has been a sharp rise in the number of Asians who are rejecting the label in...

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