
On Independence Day, Some U.S. Muslims Feel Alienated by Patriot Act

July 4, 2006

Source: BBC News

On July 4, 2006 BBC News reported, "For U.S. citizens, 4 July - Independence Day - is the most patriotic day in the calendar but for Sabri Ben Kahla and many of the country's six million Muslims, the word patriot has taken on a more sinister meaning. The 30-year-old graduate from Falls Church, Virginia, who once aspired to serving his country as a diplomat, has fallen foul of the U.S....

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Muslim Public Affairs Council Hosts Forum on Jewish-Muslim Relations

July 3, 2006

Source: Muslim Public Affairs Council press release

On July 3, 2006 a Muslim Public Affairs Council press release reported, "On Sunday, July 2nd, prominent Muslim and Jewish religious leaders participated in a townhall forum organized by the Muslim Public Affairs Council to discuss the current state of Muslim-Jewish relations. Panelists -- including Rabbi Stephen Julius Stein (Wilshire Boulevard Temple), Dr. Saleh Kholaki (Islamic Center of...

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Malaysian Political Scientist Denounces Destruction of Hindu Temples

July 3, 2006

Source: Hinduism Today

On July 3, 2006 Hinduism Today reported, "In this news piece sent by the Malaysian Hindu Voice, Dr. Farish A. Noor, a Malaysian political scientist and human rights activist, speaks out against the recent demolition of Hindu temples in Malaysia. He notes that because of globalization the Hindu community is connected with others worldwide and, as a result, Hindu organizations in Europe and other parts of the world have appealed to the...

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Paris Mosque Vandalized

July 3, 2006

Source: Haaretz

Wire Service: AP

On July 3, 2006 the Associated Press reported, "Vandals painted swastikas and anti-Muslim slogans on a mosque in the Parisian suburb of Courcouronnes, a mosque official said Monday.

Abderrahmane Ammari said 'extremists' attacked the walls of the mosque early Sunday, covering the exterior walls with slogans including 'Islam go home,' 'France is white'...

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Update: Government Official Calls for Relocation Plans for Demolished Hindu Temples

July 3, 2006

Source: The Hindu

Wire Service: PTI

On July 3, 2006 the Press Trust of India reported, "Taking note of the resentment among the Hindu community over the demolition of some temples here, a top Malaysian Minister has suggested that local authorities set aside permanent sites for the shrines. The president of the Malaysian Indian Congress (MIC) and Works Minister Samy Vellu said...

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Tinley Park Muslim Family Receives Hate Mail

July 2, 2006

Source: Daily Southtown

On July 2, 2006 the Daily Southtown reported, "Just a month after the Mashni family lost a son, it now must deal with a new kind of grief. The Tinley Park family on Thursday received an anonymous hate letter in the mail, postmarked Wednesday from the Bedford Park regional post office.

It reads, 'Muslims go home to your country. You are not welcome in our community. Is...

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Mohammed Iqbal Says 7/7 Made Leeds Stronger

July 2, 2006

Source: BBC News

On July 2, 2006 BBC News reported, "The first Asian Lord Mayor of Leeds said the city had moved on and grown stronger since the 7 July atrocity. Mohammed Iqbal is to represent the council at a symbolic tree planting ceremony organised by residents in Cross Flatts Park in Beeston on Friday. The area is close to where three of the London bombers had connections.

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Sufi Conference to be Held in Fremont

July 2, 2006

Source: Tri-Valley Herald

On July 2, 2006 Tri-Valley Herald reported, "Each Sunday evening, Ayyaz Yousaf gets together with roughly 30 to 40 people in Fremont for a spiritual gathering. Known as a zikr, this weekly session or ritual meditation begins with an opening recitation from the Quran, reading poems and prayers, and group chants in praise of the Prophet Muhammad, followed by a free...

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EU Muslim Conference Looks at Challenges Facing Muslims, Islam

July 1, 2006


On July 1, 2006 reported, "A galaxy of Muslim thinkers, scholars and leaders from all over the world flocked to Istanbul to attend a conference, which kicked off on Saturday, July 1, on the challenges facing European Muslims and the opportunities within their reach. The two-day conference, themed Muslims of Europe: Challenges and Opportunities, aims at...

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Muslims Gather in Hartford for Convention on Loving Humanity

July 1, 2006

Source: Hartford Courant,0,3180646,print.story?coll=hc-headlines-local

On July 1, 2006 the Hartford Courant reported, "Muslims in America deal with many of the same issues that affect other American families, but also contend with racial and ethnic profiling in an atmosphere of fear. Finding ways to cope with the challenges of being Muslim...

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Social Responsibility is the Focus of 2006 ICNA-MAS Convention

June 30, 2006


On June 30, 2006 reported, "The 31st annual convention of the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) kicks off on Friday, June 30, with a strong focus on social awareness and responsibility among American Muslims. 'American Muslims must get more involved in society and social outreach work, such as helping the homeless, and disaster victims,' Dr. Zahid Bukhari,...

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MAS to Hold Nationwide "Justice for Palestine" Rallies

June 30, 2006

Source: Muslim American Society Press Release

On June 30, 2006 a Muslim American Society Press Release reported, "Responding to the recent Israeli military incursion in Gaza and looming humanitarian crisis resulting from aid cuts to the Palestinian people, MAS Freedom Foundation calls upon all people of conscience to join them in 'Justice for Palestine' rallies to be held throughout the United States. The rallies are being held to...

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CAIR-Chicago Meets with Danish Youth Delegation

June 30, 2006

Source: CAIR Press Release

On June 30, 2006 a CAIR Press Release reported, "A delegation of eight young leaders from Denmark recently visited CAIR-Chicago’s downtown office. The delegation came to Chicago through the State Department’s International Visitors Leadership Program (IVLP). That program, administered by the Meridian International Center, seeks to introduce...

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Minnesota Muslim Seeks House Seat

June 29, 2006

Source: CBS News

Wire Service: AP

On June 29, 2006 the Associated Press reported, "Keith Ellison is hoping that this city of mostly white Christians is ready to make a black Muslim its next congressman. Ellison, a state representative and criminal defense lawyer, is the state-party endorsed Democratic candidate in the liberal-leaning 5th...

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