
Richardson's Qur'anic Academy Has a Special Focus: The First Amendment

August 20, 2006

Source: The Dallas Morning News

On August 20, 2006 The Dallas Morning News reported, "When up against an unpopular rule, most students know their options: submission, negotiation, covert disobedience or brazen rebellion. Voting usually isn't an alternative. While civics lessons teach about democracy, in schools...

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Troop 394: Boy Scouts, Americans, Muslims

August 20, 2006

Source: South Florida Sun-Sentinel,0,516577.story

On August 20, 2006 the South Florida Sun-Sentinel reported, "Hassene Chaabane has been a Boy Scout all his life, so he jumped at the recent opportunity to introduce scouting to a new group of youths. Chaabane, 31, who attends religious services at the Islamic Center of Boca Raton, is spearheading the formation of Cub...

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Poway Interfaith Council Working to Increase Understanding

August 20, 2006

Source: North County Times

On August 20, 2006 the North County Times reported, "Although still in its infancy, the Poway Interfaith Council is taking big steps forward, and Sunday marked the celebratory end of its first project: Interfaith Summer Nights, where over the course of seven weekly seminars, each of the group's member religions taught the others what their...

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Archbishop Encourages Lebanese Maronite Christians to Stay

August 20, 2006

Source: USA Today

On August 20, 2006 USA Today reported, "Chucrallah Nabil Hage, the Maronite Christian archbishop of Tyre, added a twist to his Sunday sermon here: hold your ground. 'Wherever you are — in Hajji or Tyre or Marjayoun — if you're patient and believe, you'll make it through this,' Hage told a standing-room congregation at St. George's Church in this...

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West-Eastern Divan Orchestra Unites Arabs and Israelis; Declaration Against War Stirs Debate

August 20, 2006

Source: The New York Times

On August 20, 2006 The New York Times reported, "It was an immensely appealing experiment, both in its idealism and in its simplicity: Let young Israeli and Arab musicians play together in an orchestra to show that communication and cooperation were possible between peoples who had long fought each other. The two men behind the...

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Islamic Scholar and Leader Walks an Interfaith Path and Embraces a Pluralistic Austin

August 20, 2006

Source: Austin American-Stateman

On August 20, 2006 Austin American-Stateman reported, "The man with the white turban and black robe strides toward the south entrance of the Texas Capitol. He is a stranger, unknown to the dozens of religious leaders assembled on this hot afternoon. As he takes his place on the steps, one of the organizers smiles. Earlier that day, she had...

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Conflict in Middle East Strains Interfaith Relations in Kansas City

August 19, 2006

Source: The Kansas City Star

On August 19, 2006 The Kansas City Star reported, "In the best of times, Mahnaz Shabbir and Rabbi Amy Wallk Katz reach across cultural and religious barriers. But the conflict in the Mideast has strained local interfaith relations between people who ordinarily try to bridge the gap between their respective faiths, Islam and Judaism. The divide...

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Middletown Islamic Center, Still Under Construction, Hit by Vandalism

August 18, 2006

Source: Times Herald-Record

On August 18, 2006 the Times Herald-Record reported, "For two years, Dr. Quazi al-Tariq reported on the proud but slow progress in building the Middletown Islamic Center and the fantastic support it gets from the community — Muslims and non-Muslims alike. Yesterday, al-Tariq stood, crying, on the balcony of the unfinished, two-story...

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Rajinder Singh Khalsa, Sikh Community, Still Reeling from Impact of 9/11

August 18, 2006

Source: Indian Press

On August 18, 2006 the Indian Press reported, "When Rajinder Singh Khalsa, 57, gets up in the morning, he often sees a ‘white hole’ with his left eye. Sunlight is anathema for him, as he cannot focus on anything for minutes afterwards. Many a night, he gets up screaming from his sleep; he has terrible nightmares of imminent danger, he says. He is obsessively protective of his...

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In "A Son's Sacrifice," an Interfaith Approach to Filmmaking

August 18, 2006

Source: The Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles

On August 18, 2006 The Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles reported, " With all of the negative images about Jewish-Muslim clashes in the world, it is nice to see a documentary, directed and produced by a Jew and a Muslim, about a Muslim son taking over his father's slaughterhouse business in Queens, N.Y.

'A Son's Sacrifice,' which will be screened...

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Utah's Only Islamic Day School, Iqra Academy, Educating the Next Generation

August 18, 2006

Source: The Salt Lake Tribune

On August 18, 2006 The Salt Lake Tribune reported, "Muslim children in the United States live in two worlds - the circle of their Islamic beliefs and the surrounding American culture. Learning to balance the two can be especially tricky when those worlds collide. Most of Utah's 20,000-plus Muslims send their kids to public schools for a secular education. On the weekends, they go to Sunday school at the mosque to...

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Religious Violence Will Now Be Covered in Indian Textbooks

August 17, 2006

Source: BBC News

On August 17, 2006 BBC News reported, "Pupils in India will soon be taught controversial topics like the 2002 Gujarat riots and those which followed the destruction of the Babri mosque. The new syllabus, meant for final-year political science students, is due out in April 2007. Indian textbooks are largely silent on sensitive issues after 1947 - the year of India's independence from British rule and the...

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Congressional Candidate Advocates Profiling of Muslim Males

August 17, 2006

Source: St. Paul Pioneer Press

Wire Service: AP

On August 17, 2006 the Associated Press reported, "A congressional candidate from northwestern Wisconsin says airport security screeners should search all Muslim males. Paul Nelson, a Woodville Republican, issued a statement Monday calling for a 'no-nonsense' plan for airport security. 'Racial profiling is...

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Fire Destroys El Cajon Islamic Center

August 17, 2006

Source: The San Diego Union-Tribune

On August 17, 2006 The San Diego Union-Tribune reported, "A fire ripped through a mosque and community center early Thursday morning, destroying the building and causing more than $2 million damage. No one was injured in the blaze, which was reported at 2:09 a.m. at the Kurdish Community Islamic Center and Al-Madina Al-Munawara mosque on Magnolia...

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Candidate for the House of Delegates Faces Anti-Muslim Bigotry

August 16, 2006

Source: 9News Now

On August 16, 2006 9News Now reported, "The foiled terror plot is affecting us on a social level, much like the attacks on 9/11, and fear can lead to bigotry in the form of racial profiling against Muslims. Case in point: a Montgomery County man running for office who happens to be Muslim. He says he has become a target, not for his stance on the issues, but because of his religion. On...

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