
Many American Muslims Still Targeted and Fearful

September 8, 2002

Source: The Houston Chronicle

On September 8, 2002, The Houston Chronicle reported that for "American Muslims, the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks launched an ordeal that continues to this day... Targeted by hate crimes, fearful of being mistaken for terrorist sympathizers, worried about what the future holds if the United States goes to war with Iraq, many in Houston's 300,000-member Muslim community have seen their comfortable lives eroded by uncertainty and fear...    Nationally, a recent poll found 48 percent of Muslims queried felt their lives had...

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Polls Indicate Americans Still Struggling Over Muslim Identity

September 8, 2002

Source: The Sun News

On September 8, 2002 The Sun News reported that "Muslim-Americans became the targets of scrutiny, criticism and even violence after Sept. 11, but a surprising thing has now happened: The elevated profile seems to have improved Americans' perceptions of them, according to a Knight Ridder poll. For many, though, it is an uneasy accommodation. The poll found that many Americans are struggling to distinguish their positive inclinations toward Muslims living in the United States from their suspicions of those living abroad. That tension is...

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Working Toward Peace

September 8, 2002

Source: The Boston Herald

On September 8, 2002 The Boston Herald reported on Masjid al-Quran, which "has been partnered [since 1997] with a Reform Jewish congregation in Newton, Temple Shalom, through Cooperative Metropolitan Ministries [CMM], an interfaith coalition working in 18 communities in Greater Boston [Massachusetts]. They enlisted the help of CMM and the Public Conversations Project [PCP], a Watertown-based nonprofit, to structure the dialog. 'I think 9-11 brought home to people how dangerous and frightening it is for groups of people who don...

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Jewish Buddhists Reinterpret Psalms

September 8, 2002

Source: The San Francisco Chronicle

On September 8, 2002 The San Francisco Chronicle reported that "studying the violent passages in the Psalms, Norman Fischer saw something none of us can deny. Judaism and Christianity -- just like the Muslim faith -- can be used to justify the killing of innocents in the name of God. Fischer tries to reconcile all this in Opening to You: Zen-Inspired Translations of the Psalms. Meanwhile, another popular Buddhist teacher with Jewish roots and a Bay Area address is out with his own book of interfaith inspiration...

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Houston Muslims Mourn 9/11 Deaths and Emphasize Unity in Diversity

September 7, 2002

Source: The Houston Chronicle

On September 7, 2002 The Houston Chronicle reported that "leaders of Houston's Muslim community gathered Friday to express sorrow for the thousands who died in the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, thanks for Americans who remained opened-minded about Islam and caution against an erosion of freedom in the fight against terrorism. 'We must be vigilant against those who would strip us of our civil rights and who would gradually lead us down the path toward totalitarianism,' said Sayeed Siddiqui, president of the Islamic Society...

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Increase in Muslim Religious Education

September 7, 2002

Source: The Houston Chronicle

On September 7, 2002 the The Houston Chronicle reported that "since Sept. 11, Houston [Texas] Muslims "feel more of a sense of responsibility about practicing Islam, learning Islam," said Masrur Khan, spokesman for the Islamic Society of Greater Houston. The most notable increase in attendance has been in the number of Muslims taking religious education classes. At one mosque, Quranic classes went from a few dozen students to more than 200... In the coming days, like people across the country, Houstonians will assemble in...

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Acts of Kindness Outnumbers Bias

September 7, 2002

Source: Omaha World-Herald

On September 7, 2002 the Omaha World-Herald reported that "acts of kindness have outnumbered acts of bias in Omaha, said Tehmina Zeb and a dozen other Muslims who met with a reporter last week at the Omaha masjid (mosque). Interest in Islam has also soared, they said. But there are also lingering feelings among local Muslims that they must prove their patriotism and that their civil rights are under assault."

Reports on Anti-Muslim Violence

September 6, 2002

Source: Sun-Sentinel

On September 6, 2002 the Sun-Sentinel reported that "Since Sept. 11, harassment of Muslims and Arabs has contributed to an increase in reported hate crimes in Florida and spawned the addition of new categories for workplace discrimination. In the past year, the Council on American-Islamic Relations...

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Philadelphia FBI Office Accepts Civil Liberty Criticisms

September 6, 2002

Source: The Philadelphia Inquirer

On September 6, 2002 The Philadelphia Inquirer reported that "criticisms of law enforcement officials unfairly targeting Muslims and Arab Americans after the Sept. 11 attacks are valid, the head of the FBI's Philadelphia office said yesterday. The FBI and other agencies on guard against terrorism have been under attack by numerous civil-liberties and ethnic groups regarding their treatment of...

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California Hindu Man Allegedly Insults and Attacks Muslim Girl

September 6, 2002

Source: San Jose Mercury News

On September 6, 2002 the San Jose Mercury News reported that "prosecutors charged an East Palo Alto man Thursday with assault with the intent to rape a 15-year-old girl... but they did not charge him with a hate crime... Palo Alto police reported that the suspect, 18-year-old Sanjay Nair, who is Hindu, made comments...

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Interfaith Understanding Goal of Many 9/11 Memorial Events

September 6, 2002

Source: The San Diego Union-Tribune

On September 6, 2002 The San Diego Union-Tribune reported that on September 11, 2002, "bells will toll, prayers will be uttered and the names of some of the more than 3,000 killed will be recited at houses of worship and interfaith community gatherings across the country. It will be a time for those across and beyond the religious realm to remember, each in his or her own way... A number of religious groups, including the Council on American-Islamic Relations and the National Council of Churches, have laid out very...

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CAIR's Report on American Muslims' Stance Against Terrorism

September 5, 2002

Source: The Council on American Islamic Relations

On September 5, 2002 The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) released a report which "indicates that American Muslims took a strong stand against terrorism in the year since the 9/11 attacks. [C]alled "American Muslims: One Year After 9/11," [the report] outlines condemnations of the attacks by national Muslim leaders, Islamic scholars and local religious institutions."

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