
The Muslim Vote Stands to Impact Election 2004

April 17, 2004

Source: The Observer-Dispatch

On April 17, 2004 The Observer-Dispatch reported, "No-shows at the ballot box might take a lesson from Muslim-Americans, who are stepping up efforts to assume an active role in the nation's political process. The American Muslim Taskforce on Civil Rights and Elections believes that this year's presidential race will be close, and even though its numbers are small,...

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Asma Hasan Writes of the Muslim-American Experience

April 16, 2004

Source: The Dallas Morning News

On April 16, 2004 The Dallas Morning News reported, "When she was in kindergarten, Asma Gull Hasan was sent to the principal's office at her Catholic school for telling the class that Jesus was not the Son of God. Muslims, she explained, believe that Jesus was a prophet, but not a divine being. After that...

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Opinion: U.S. Problems With "Islamic World" Due to U.S. Policy, Not Lack of Information

April 16, 2004

Source: Middle East Online

On April 16, 2004 the Middle East Online ran an opinion piece by Hady Amr, co-president of the Arab Western Summit of Skills, on the problems of U.S. foreign policy relations with the "Islamic world," specifically the recent Iraq war and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Amr writes, "But those who think that a 'fair and balanced' response to Al-Jazeera [the U.S.-funded Arabic-...

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Thai Muslim Group Preaches Peace, Refutes Claims of Involvement in Southern Violence

April 16, 2004


On April 16, 2004 reported, "Rejecting claims by Thai officials that they are behind the current state of unrest in South Thailand, Muslims vowed to preach non-violence in the region, a member of the Islamic Group (IG) or Yayasan Muslimin in Malay - told The IG, a non-official entity that has grouped all the Muslims under one roof...

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Update: Chaplain Yee Cleared of All Charges, Reprimand Reversed

April 15, 2004

Source: CNN

On April 15, 2004 CNN reported, "A Muslim Army chaplain who had been embroiled in an espionage probe was given a clean slate after a general overturned an adultery and pornography reprimand, the one remaining blemish on his record after the dismissal of criminal charges. Capt. James Yee had been the target of an investigation of suspected espionage at the Guantanamo Bay detention camp in Cuba,...

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Wichita Mosque Holds Dome Raising Ceremony

April 15, 2004

Source: The Wichita Eagle

On April 15, 2004 The Wichita Eagle reported, "The Islamic Society of Wichita plans to hold a 'raising the dome' ceremony at 1:30 p.m. Friday at the Muslim Community Center, 6655 E. 34th St. North. The event is designed to watch the placement of a 26-foot-wide dome on a new mosque. The mosque will cost about $1.5 million. If weather permits, the mosque will be ready for use by the...

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Utah Congressman Discusses Patriot Act in Local Mosque

April 13, 2004

Source: The Salt Lake Tribune

On April 13, 2004 The Salt Lake Tribune reported, "Congressman Jim Matheson stood in stocking feet before about 150 members of Utah's diverse Islamic community Saturday and promised to keep fighting what he views as the harshest aspects of the post-9-11 Patriot Act: unreasonable search provisions and racial profiling. 'I believe that some of the search provisions of that act go...

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Chicago Politician Discusses Muslim-Christian Values

April 13, 2004

Source: Chicago Sun-Times

On April 13, 2004 the Chicago Sun-Times sat down with Barack Obama and Jack Ryan, and Dick Durbin, to "talk about what they believe, why they believe it and how it affects their lives." Young local politican Barak Obama explained: "'I went to a Catholic school in a Muslim country, so I was studying the Bible and catechisms by day, and, at night, you'd hear the [Muslim] prayer...

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