
National Council of Churches Joint Statement on War in Iraq

March 24, 2003

Source: National Council of Churches

On March 24, 2003 the National Council of Churches issued a joint statement with Secretary Generals of the Islamic Circle of North America and the Islamic Society of North America. It stated, "we are deeply saddened that military action against Iraq has begun. We pray now for a quick conclusion to this war, for the loss of as few lives as possible, and for peace. In the darkness of war, let us be...

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FBI Agents Reassure Dallas Muslim American Children

March 24, 2003

Source: Star-Telegram

On March 24, 2003 the Star-Telegram reported that "more than three dozen children heard from [Stan] Strauss, who investigates hate crimes for the Dallas office of the FBI. As the war in Iraq continues, some Muslims are concerned that they could become victims of harassment and hate crimes similar to ones that occurred during the first gulf war... Agents who spoke at the mosque also explained the FBI's efforts to interview...

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Interfaith Prayer Service in Chicago

March 24, 2003

Source: Chicago Sun-Times

On March 24, 2003 the Chicago Sun-Times reported that "the Council of Religious Leaders of Metropolitan Chicago will hold an interfaith prayer service for peace... at St. James Episcopal Cathedral, Wabash and Huron... The council includes bishops and leaders of diverse religious groups, including Cardinal Francis George, archbishop of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Chicago; bishops of the Episcopal and United Methodist churches; various Protestant, Eastern and Orthodox Christian leaders; the head of the Chicago Board of Rabbis;...

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Japanese-Americans in Solidarity with Muslim Americans

March 23, 2003

Source: The Argus

On March 23, 2003 The Argus reported that "Japanese-American civil rights groups are joining Muslim and interfaith groups outraged over new wartime security measures calling for Arab immigrants seeking political asylum in the United States to be locked up until the government can verify their reasons for coming here... Officials with the Department of Homeland Security say the measures announced last week also are being taken to 'advise members of the Iraqi community of the FBI's responsibilities in protecting them from hate crimes...'...

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Interfaith Communities United for Peace and Justice in Los Angeles

March 23, 2003

Source: Los Angeles Times,0,5305794.column

On March 23, 2003 the Los Angeles Times reported that "they've been gathering every Friday morning at 7 o'clock since Sept. 11, 2001, trying to keep the world from unraveling... Muslim and Jew, Hindu and Christian, Buddhist and Sufi, one of these and one of those. It's a Los Angeles crowd, for sure, and a nice idea... Love, peace, common ground... this flock of clergy and...

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North Carolina Religious Leaders Remain Neutral on War in Iraq

March 23, 2003

Source: News Observer

On March 23, 2003 the News Observer reported that "the United States is waging a war fraught with religious overtones, but leaders of Triangle churches, synagogues and mosques [in NC] are steering far clear of the fray. On the first weekend of war in Iraq, they are sticking to eternal themes of peace and love, saying the politics of war have no place in the pulpit. The reasoning is...

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EEOC Records Spike in Workplace Bias

March 23, 2003

Source: Newsday

On March 23, 2003 Newsday reported that "in the midst of the weak U.S. economy and in the aftermath of Sept. 11, the EEOC has seen a spike in workplace bias complaints nationwide - but particularly in the categories of age and religious discrimination, which have skyrocketed... Although the filing of a complaint does not necessarily mean that anti-bias laws have been violated, age discrimination cases rose 14.5 percent in 2002 to nearly 20,000 nationwide compared with the preceding year. Some experts say the increase indicates that older...

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Iowa: Controversy over North Liberty City Officials Plan to Lease Land Intended for Muslim Youth Camp

March 22, 2003

Source: The Washington Post

On March 22, 2003 The Washington Post reported that "so far, nothing exists of the Muslim Youth Camps of America except the name and some preliminary sketches of a main lodge with a domed prayer hall. Yet, the proposal to build a $2 million Islamic summer camp in Iowa has become a kind of Rorschach test -- a hazy picture in which supporters and opponents see...

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Religious Leaders Speak Out as War in Iraq Commences

March 22, 2003

Source: Los Angeles Times,0,436663.story

On March 22, 2003 the Los Angeles Times reported that "prayers go out for civilians and for the U.S. troops in Iraq. But some from various denominations oppose Bush's actions... Cardinal Roger M. Mahony, Roman Catholic archbishop of Los Angeles: 'With American troops in harm's way, let us pray earnestly for a quick resolution to the present conflict in Iraq with a minimum...

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Pittsburgh Interfaith Community Warns Against Ethnic Bigotry

March 21, 2003

Source: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

On March 21, 2003 the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reported that "with war under way it is no longer time for debate but for prayer, Bishop Donald Wuerl told Catholics gathered for noon Mass at St. Mary of Mercy Church, Downtown... Later in the day, flanked by Muslim, Jewish and Protestant religious leaders, he would issue an interfaith statement with similar themes, which also warned the community against falling into religious or ethnic bigotry... About 350 people attended the noon Mass, slightly more than usual but not enough...

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Interfaith Maine Pleas Against Backlash

March 21, 2003

Source: WMTV

On March 21, 2003 WMTV reported Interfaith Maine's statement that "the beginning of military action against Iraq fills us all with a sense of dread and apprehension... We fear for the combatants themselves, young men and women of various races, religions, and geographic backgrounds, who must face their mortality at time when they should be living their life to the fullest... We fear for the mothers and fathers who...

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PBS Presents Documentary: Muhammad, Legacy of a Prophet

March 21, 2003

Source: Islamic Horizons

On March 21, 2003 Islamic Horizons described PBS's Dec. 18 2002, documentary, Muhammad: Legacy of a Prophet , as "a multifaith effort that puts Prophet Muhammad's life in the right perspective." The magazine reported that "Three years in the making, the documentary was a coproduction of Kikim Media, a highly respected production company associated with many PBS specials, and Unity Productions Foundation, a non-profit company founded by author and journalist Michael Wolfe and writer Alexander Kronemer, originators of the...

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Editorial: Colordo Pleas Against Backlash from War

March 20, 2003

Source: The Denver Post

On March 20, 2003 The Denver Post printed an editorial stating that "in the tense days ahead, we urge Coloradans to resist any temptation to make our Muslim neighbors the focus of anger toward Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein... Although Hussein's Ba'athist Party is markedly secular - indeed, some may properly say the dictator has been anything but devout - he recently 'rediscovered' his Islamic roots in a transparent attempt to win sympathy among the world's 1.5 billion Muslims... It's important to keep in mind that Saddam Hussein...

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