
Rhetoric of Iraq War Reveals Religious Tensions

October 19, 2003

Source: Boston Herald

On October 19, 2003 the Boston Herald reported that the rhetoric of the war with Iraq shows a focus on religious issues, citing comments alledgedly made by Osama bin Laden on an audio tape, U.S. Lt. Gen. William "Jerry'" Boykin's derogatory comments about Islam and Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamed's anti-Semitic comments at an Islamic summit. The article quoted...

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Oklahoma Sixth Grader Suspended over Muslim Head Covering

October 19, 2003

Source: First Amendment Center

On October 19, 2003, the First Amendment Center published an editorial defending the right of 11-year-old Nashala Hearn to attend Oklahoma public schools wearing her Muslim head scarf, a practice that is currently banned under dresscodes designed to prevent gang activity. The author compares the incident to that of Aroniakeha Elijah, a junior at Salmon River Central...

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Government Holding Talks Between Hindu and Muslim Leaders on Ayodhya

October 19, 2003

Source: Hindustan Times,000600010002.htm

On October 19, 2003 the Hindustan Times ran a Press Trust of India article on the Ayodhya dispute which reported, "the Centre [government] said it was making efforts to hold talks between Hindu and Muslim leaders for an amicable settlement to the vexed Ayodhya imbroglio and expressed hope that the issue would be resolved within a year...Though the Centre has been...

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Boykin Editorials

October 19, 2003

Source: Newsday,0,7735642.column

On October 19, 2003 Newsday published an editorial responding to the Boykin controversy and to the proliferation of hate speech against Muslims by born-again Christian preachers associated with the White House. According to the editorial, "it has sometimes seemed during the last two years that Sept. 11 amplified those voices so that now they are...

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For Washington Buddhists, One Exhibit Brings Wide Range of Devotion

October 18, 2003

Source: The Washington Post

On October 18, 2003 The Washington Post reported that an exhibition of Buddhist relics thought to belong Gautama, also called Shakyamuni Buddha, and other Buddhist masters will be displayed Oct. 25 and 26 at Giac Hoang Temple in Northwest Washington. According to the Post, the temple is "planning for 10,000 exhibit visitors, many of whom told organizers that...

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ADL Comments on World Reaction to Malaysian Prime Minister's Speech

October 17, 2003

Source: Anti-Defamation League

On October 17, 2003 Anti-Defamation League released a statement that "expressed appreciation to those countries and leaders who strongly condemned the vehemently anti-Semitic speech by Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad before the summit of the Organization of Islamic Countries, but called those who acquiesced or were silent in their reaction to the speech, 'willingly complicit in...

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Muslim Doctor Calls on All Faiths to "Tend the Garden of Diversity"

October 17, 2003

Source: Topeka Capital-Journal

On October 17, 2003 The Topeka Capital-Journal reported that Dr. Shahid Athar, who has dedicated his life since September 11 to educating the nation's interfaith community on Islam, will bring his message of peace to the Interfaith of Topeka Conference on the Washburn University campus. His presentation is titled "Understanding Islam and Muslims: An Interfaith...

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Dallas Latinos Embrace Islam, Citing Similarities to Latin Culture

October 17, 2003

Source: The Dallas Morning News

On October 17, 2003 The Dallas Morning News reported that many Latino converts to Islam have been surprised by the similarities between Islamic and Latino customs. "Respect for elders, respect for family, courtesy and manners," are all similarities cited by Latin American converts between Islam and their own culture. Increasingly events, such as...

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Nomination of Daniel Pipes Alarms Muslim Groups

October 17, 2003

Source: The Times Higher Education Supplement

On October 17, 2003 The Times Higher Education Supplement published an editorial by Hamid Dabashi, chair of the department of Middle East and Asian Languages and Cultures at Columbia University, on the barrage of hate mail he has received as a result of articles against him written by Daniel Pipes. Pipes accused Dabashi in an article in the...

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U.S General Boykin's Remarks Called Offensive to Islam

October 16, 2003

Source: Associated Press

On October 16, 2003 The Associated Press discussed the claims published by the Los Angeles Times against U.S. General Boykin, who is accused of publicly casting the war on terrorism as a religious war between Judeo-Christian values and Satan. "Senators who appeared before reporters at the Pentagon Thursday on another matter were asked about the reports. Sen. Lincoln D. Chafee, R-R.I., said...

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