
Increasing Muslim Population Causes Tensions in Public Life

February 24, 2005

Source: The Christian Science Monitor

On February 24, 2005 The Christian Science Monitor reported, "Religion's place in public life has shot to the top of the agenda in France, and in the rest of Europe, for one reason: Islam, and the growing millions of people on the Continent who practice it. Shocked by the discovery of Islamic terrorist networks on their soil, Europeans have suddenly woken up to the...

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Muslim-Christian Dialogue to Be Held Following OIC Summit

February 23, 2005

Source: Arab News

On February 23, 2005 the Arab News reported, "Following an initiative from Crown Prince Abdullah, Senegal will host an [Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC)] summit and a Muslim-Christian dialogue in December next year. Senegal’s President Maitre Abdoulaye Wade gave this information to Arab News after opening Senegal’s new embassy in the...

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Pilot Program Teaches Jewish Fifth-Graders Arabic

February 23, 2005

Source: Haaretz

On February 23, 2005 Haaretz reported, "A pilot project launched in February in 14 elementary schools in northern Israel is meant to bridge the deep divide between Jews and Arabs. Over the next two years, hundreds of Jewish fifth-graders will be taught conversational Arabic, and learn about Arab culture and traditions. The project, financed in part by the Abraham Fund, a U.S.-Israeli non-...

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Update on the Hamtramck Call to Prayer Controversy

February 23, 2005

Source: The Detroit News

On February 23, 2005 The Detroit News reported, "nearly a year after the call-to-prayer controversy thrust Hamtramck into the center of a national debate, some non-Muslim residents say they don't mind the two-minute broadcasts. Others fear a loss of the community's roots as a home to Christian Eastern European immigrants... The controversy peaked nearly a year ago when the City...

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Bank Closes Islamic Educational Center's Account without Explanation

February 22, 2005

Source: Newsday

Wire Service: AP,0,6837675.story

On February 22, 2005 Newsday reported, "Muslim groups want to know why a North Jersey bank closed an Islamic Center's bank accounts. Hudson United Bank closed the Islamic Educational Center of North Hudson's three accounts just before last month's hajj...

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Speaker Relates African Americans, Slavery, and Islamic Culture

February 22, 2005

Source: Collegiate Times

On February 22, 2005 the Collegiate Times reported, "the Muslim Student Association and Theta Nu Xi Sorority [at Virginia Tech] sponsored a discussion with Dr. Sylviane Diouf, author of 'Servants of Allah: African Muslims Enslaved in the Americas' last night in Squires’ Black Cultural Center. Diouf spoke about ways African Americans have been affected by Islamic culture. 'A lot is unknown about...

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Islamist Party Endorses Women’s Suffrage

February 22, 2005

Source: BBC News

On February 22, 2005 the BBC News reported, "The Kuwaiti parliament is to debate a bill to grant women full political rights, a Kuwaiti minister has said. Deputy Prime Minister Mohammad Sharar said that legislators would discuss the bill in March. The measure, which has been approved by the cabinet, will allow women to vote and to stand for election. Kuwait's Islamist Umma Party has said it backs...

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Jews and Muslims Coexist Peaceably in Marseille, Offering Model

February 21, 2005

Source: The Washington Post

On February 21, 2005 The Washington Post reported, "Marseille, population 800,000, a proud and bristly Mediterranean port, has since ancient times mixed diverse cultures and faiths. Today it is home to nearly 200,000 Muslims and 80,000 Jews, the continent's third-largest Jewish population center. All the ingredients for protracted sectarian violence would...

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Vandals Scrawl Swastikas on Paris Mosque

February 21, 2005

Source: The Kansas City Star

Wire Service: AP

On February 21, 2005 the Associated Press reported, "Vandals scrawled swastikas and other Nazi references on the walls of the Grand Mosque of Paris, the best-known Muslim religious site in France, religious leaders said Monday.

The vandalism by unknown assailants, discovered Monday, comes as officials have...

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Curfew Imposed on Lucknow After Sunni-Shi'ite Riot

February 21, 2005

Source: BBC News

On February 21, 2005 the BBC News reported, "A curfew has been imposed in a part of the northern Indian city of Lucknow after sectarian violence. Three people died and several were hurt when Shia and Sunni Muslims clashed at a Shia mourning procession in the Husainabad area on Sunday, police said. Officials said that the curfew had been imposed to prevent further escalation of tension in the area....

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Tariq Ramadan to Speak at Canadian Symposium

February 21, 2005

Source: CAIR-Canada Press Release

On February 21, 2005 a CAIR-Canada Press Release reported, "Distinguished Islamic scholar Dr. Tariq Ramadan will be in Ottawa to speak in a three-part symposium on the Ethics of Citizenship, Democracy and the Future of Islam. Dr. Ramadan's visit is organized by Muslim Presence Ottawa, and his final lecture, 'Facing the Common Challenges of the Contemporary World,' is co-sponsored by...

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Muslim Council of Britain Seeking to Mobilize Muslim Voters in General Election

February 20, 2005

Source: The Guardian,2763,1418614,00.html

On February 20, 2005 The Guardian reported, "The Muslim Council of Britain is to take the unprecedented step of mobilising the country's one million Muslim voters through a card listing 10 key questions they should ask prospective MPs at the general election.

The questions range from what the candidate's party has done to promote faith schools, its attitude to the...

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NYC Passes Bills to Allow Headscarves and Turbans

February 18, 2005

Source: Hindustan Times,0005.htm

On February 18, 2005 the Hindustan Times reported, "New York City became the first place in the US on Wednesday when it introduced two bills aimed to allow wearing of turbans or Muslim hijab in its services and put in place emergency measures to deal with racial crimes as happened after 9/11. Various ethnic, religious, immigrant and civil rights organisations had lobbied with city...

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