
Muslim Doll Takes Barbie’s Place

September 22, 2005

Source: The New York Times

On September 22, 2005 The New York Times reported, "In the last year or so, Barbie dolls have all but disappeared from the shelves of many toy stores in the Middle East. In their place, there is Fulla, a dark-eyed doll with, as her creator puts it, 'Muslim values.' Fulla roughly shares Barbie's size and proportions, but...

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Opinion: Governor Romney Seeks to Divide Americans

September 21, 2005

Source: The Boston Globe

On September 21, 2005 The Boston Globe ran an opinion piece by Shahid Ahmed Khan, a consultant in international development in Boston who serves on the board of trustees of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. Khan responds to the recent remarks made by Massachusetts Governor,...

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High School Senior Wins "Discovering Diversity" Award for His Interfaith Work

September 21, 2005

Source: Metro


On September 21, 2005 Metro reported, "Ryan Nutter, 17, was awarded the Discovering Diversity Award at Mississauga Council's chamber yesterday. Nutter taught himself to write, read and speak Arabic, Hindi, Latin and Punjabi... Nutter says he believes tolerance begins with studying and appreciating our differences — and then learning, as he has in spades, to embrace others. It was that devotion to promoting diversity that earned the Grade 12 student the 2005...

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Executive Director Chosen for Universism, a Religion that Opposes Moral Certainty

September 21, 2005

Source: Beliefnet

Wire Service: RNS

On September 21, 2005 Religion News Service reported, "An upstart religion called Universism has named a new leader who hopes to spread the neo-Deist movement nationwide. Todd Stricker, 25, has been named executive director of the nonprofit organization and said he hopes to launch a new branch in Chicago. University of Alabama-Birmingham medical...

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Muslim Group Honors “30 Days” Television Series

September 20, 2005

Source: The Register-Herald / CHNI News Service

On September 20, 2005 the CHNI News Service reported, "Award-winning filmmaker and Beckley [West Virginia] native Morgan Spurlock's FX series '30 Days' is garnering awards for an episode that featured a fellow Beckley native. Next month, the Muslim Public Affairs Council plans to present one of its 14th...

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Cat Stevens Opens Center on Muslims in Britain at Cardiff University

September 20, 2005

Source: BBC News

On September 20, 2005 BBC News reported, "Former pop star Yusuf Islam - previously known as Cat Stevens - has opened a faith centre focusing on Islam and Muslims in Britain. The musician, who had a string of hits in the 1960s and 1970s, is chair of the Islamia Schools Trust. The unit at Cardiff University is the first of its kind in Britain and will lead research on Muslims in the UK. The centre also offers a...

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Opinion: State Should Be Neutral Toward Religion

September 19, 2005

Source: New Statesman


On September 19, 2005 the New Statesman ran an opinion piece by Nick Cohen, a columnist for The Guardian, about the controversy over faith-based schools and welfare services in the UK. Cohen argues, "The London bombings have brought Britain to a decisive point where it can choose between two incompatible versions of liberalism. The first path is the one new Labour has been stumbling along for so long. In the name of tolerating diversity, it wants faith schools...

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Mosque in Dearborn Heights Vandalized

September 19, 2005

Source: The Arab American News

On September 19, 2005 The Arab American News reported, "Members of the Islamic House of Wisdom [in Dearborn Heights] were shocked when they came to work on September 14th to find their mosque vandalized... The vandal caused mass destruction in and outside the mosque, breaking the mosque's street sign, the glass doors, exterior lighting, and windows and even threw...

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Centennial Display Celebrates Saskatchewan's Religious Diversity

September 19, 2005

Source: StarPhoenix

On September 19, 2005 The StarPhoenix reported, "A centennial display celebrating 100 years of religion in Saskatchewan will soon be making its way to cities across the province. The 4-by-7-foot display, entitled 100 years of Faith in Saskatchewan, will be unveiled by the...

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Muslims Face Increasing Workplace Discrimination

September 19, 2005

Source: The Argus

On September 19, 2005 The Argus reported, "A Muslim engineer who works at a leading technology company is called a terrorist by his co-workers and told that on Halloween he should dress as one.

A teacher at a vocational college tells a Muslim student who wears a hijab, or head scarf, that she is not allowed to wear it, and if she does no American will hire her.

A pilot...

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Opinion: Appointment of Muslim Chief of Army Shows Govt Not Anti-Muslim

September 18, 2005

Source: Gulf News

On September 18, 2005 the Gulf News ran an opinion piece by Dr. Abdullah Al Madani, a Bahrain-based Gulf researcher and writer on Asian affairs, on the recent appointment of a Muslim to the position of Chief of Army in Thaliand. Al Madani comments, "Extremist individuals and groups in the Arab and Islamic world... accuse [Thailand] of discriminating against its Muslim...

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