
Conclusion Reached in Lodi Mosque Case

November 2, 2005

Source: Tracy Press / San Joaquin News Service

On November 2, 2005 the San Joaquin News Service reported, "A San Joaquin County judge has ruled to leave the Lodi Muslim Mosque in the hands of its current leaders, ending a months-long lawsuit between two groups vying for control of the city’s only mosque.

Meanwhile, a separate lawsuit filed by the mosque against Farooqia Islamic Center for the return of...

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Islamic Society of Boston Expands Libel Suit

November 1, 2005

Source: The Boston Globe

On November 1, 2005 The Boston Globe reported, "Leaders of the Islamic Society of Boston broadened their defamation suit yesterday in Suffolk Superior Court to add conspiracy charges against a group of journalists and scholars who the Muslim leaders allege sought to ruin the reputations of the...

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Christian-Muslim Tensions Flare Over Play

November 1, 2005

Source: Newsday,0,7036994.story?coll=sns-ap-world-headlines

On November 1, 2005 Newsday reported, "Abu Abbas looked in disbelief around his ravaged cafe just a few yards from a Coptic Christian church. Its wooden chairs lay broken and strewn about and shattered glass from broken lamps littered the floor after his...

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Participants in Islamic Feminism Conference Launch "Gender Jihad"

October 31, 2005

Source: The Guardian,2763,1605058,00.html

On October 31, 2005 The Guardian reported, "Marching under the banner of a new 'gender jihad', Islamic feminists from around the world this weekend launched what they hope will become a global movement to liberate Muslim women. The meeting, which drew women from as far apart as Malaysia, Mali, Egypt and Iran, set itself the task of squaring Islam with feminism. That meant...

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Editorial: "The House's Abuse of Patriotism"

October 31, 2005

Source: The New York Times

On October 31, 2005 The New York Times ran an editorial concerning the debates in the Senate over extending the Patriot Act. "In the national anguish after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, Congress rushed to enact a formidable antiterrorism law - the Patriot Act - that significantly crimped civil liberties... Now, with some of the act's most sweeping powers set to expire at the...

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Amina Wadud Leads Mixed-Gender Prayers at Islamic Feminism Conference in Barcelona

October 29, 2005

Source: Muslim Wake Up!

On October 29, 2005 Muslim Wake Up! reported, "One of the world’s leading experts on the Qur’an and its discourse on gender led a mixed-gender congregation in a Friday communal prayer in Barcelona, Spain yesterday.

The impromptu prayer came after Wadud, professor of Islamic Studies at Virginia Commonwealth University, was invited to lead a congregation by several Muslim women during a question and answer period...

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Bridgeport Elementary School Accommodates Fasting Muslim Students

October 28, 2005

Source: Hartford Courant,0,6578998.story?coll=hc-headlines-local

On October 28, 2005 the Hartford Courant reported, "Muslim students at a Bridgeport elementary school who observe the month of Ramadan by fasting will no longer be required to spend lunchtime in the school cafeteria with other students, following the settlement Thursday of a complaint against the school...

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Boston University Dining Services Serves Halal Foods During Ramadan

October 28, 2005

Source: BU Today

On October 28, 2005 BU Today reported, "Sunday through Thursday nights in October, the differences between the main dining hall in West Campus and the private dining area in the corner weren’t obvious. But they were important all the same.

The food was similar to what was being served at dining halls across campus, but the meat entr�e was halal, prepared...

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MPAC Attends Five Iftars Hosted by Government Agencies

October 27, 2005


On October 27, 2005 the Muslim Public Affairs Council reported, "MPAC [Muslim Public Affiairs Council] leadership attended iftars hosted by the Department of Treasury, the State Department, the White House, the US Agency for International Development, and the European Union. At each event, they raised pressing concerns from the community. These events have significant symbolism for the perceived...

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ACLU Files Religious Intolerance Grievance Against NMSU

October 27, 2005

Source: The Wichita Eagle

Wire Service: AP

On October 27, 2005 the Associated Press reported, "The American Civil Liberties Union of New Mexico has filed a grievance against New Mexico State head football coach Hal Mumme, alleging he discriminated against a now-released Muslim player by repeatedly questioning him about al-Qaida. The grievance filed Tuesday on behalf...

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American Muslims May Exceed U.S. Government Pledge To Aid Earthquake Victims

October 27, 2005

Source: Pacific News Service

On October 27, 2005 Pacific News Service reported, "The American Muslim community is expected to raise more funds for the victims of earthquake that struck Pakistan, Kashmir and Afghanistan on Oct. 8, than the $50 million dollars in aid pledged so far by the United States government.

More than...

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