
Plans for a Muslim Subdivision in IN

October 25, 2004

Source: Northwest Indiana News

On October 25, 2004 Northwest Indiana News reported, "spurned by some Chicago suburbs, Muslims are planning a large scale subdivision near the Lake-Porter county line. Congregants of the Northwest Indiana Islamic Center have been quietly buying land adjacent to the center in Merrillville with...

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Islamic Schools in Milwaukee Teach Arabic and Qu'ran

October 24, 2004

Source: Journal Sentinel

On October 24, 2004 Journal Sentinel provided a report on two Islamic schools in Milwaukee. Clara Mohammed School and Salem School are the only two Islamic education centers in the city. "Many of the students are the children of immigrants from Islamic and Arabic-speaking countries, such as Jordan. Learning Arabic is a matter of preserving their heritage and being able to converse with...

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Country Struggles to Accept New Muslim Immigrants

October 24, 2004

Source: The New York Times

On October 24, 2004 The New York Times reported, "Seville's minaret has been the bell tower of the city's Roman Catholic cathedral for the past 500 years. Today, however, many of those who walk by it daily are again Moroccans, part of the growing number of Muslim immigrants to Spain. While they have not talked about reclaiming the minaret, they are seeking...

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Attack on Muslim Graves Latest in Series of Hate Crimes

October 24, 2004

Source: The Observer,11882,1334785,00.html

On October 24, 2004 The Observer reported, "Since April, the French region of Alsace, which borders Germany, has seen about 16 similar desecrations and more than 300 tombs have been defaced. Catholic, Muslim and Jewish graveyards have been hit in rotation, with satanic symbols and Nazi slogans scrawled on the stones... Despite the frequency of the attacks, police have made...

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Kerry�s Message for Ramadan

October 23, 2004

Source: Kerry Edwards Campaign Press Release

On October 23, 2004 The Kerry Edwards Campaign issued a press release with a statement concerning Kerry's thoughts on the Muslim Holy Day, Ramadan. The Kerry campaign was reported saying that, "freedom of religion is a founding principle of our nation. American society and democracy are stronger when we welcome people of all faiths and traditions....

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Bush�s Message for Ramadan

October 23, 2004

Source: Presidential Message

On October 23, 2004 a Presidential Message was released in observance of the Muslim Holy Day, Ramadan. The president was reported saying that, "American history has taught us to welcome the contributions of men and women of all faiths, for we share the fundamental values of religious freedom, love of family, and gratitude to God. Americans who practice the Islamic...

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Canadian Islamic Congress President Supports Violence to Israeli Civilians

October 23, 2004

Source: CBC News Online

On October 23, 2004 CBC News Online reported, "Remarks by the president of the Canadian Islamic Congress came under fire Saturday from anti-hate and Muslim and Jewish organizations. Mohamed Elmasry told various media outlets that Israelis above the age of 18, – civilian and those dressed in military uniform – are legitimate targets for...

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Differing "Decalogue Displays" to be Considered in 10 Commandment Cases

October 23, 2004

Source: The Washington Post

On October 23, 2004 The Washington Post reported, "sometime in late winter, advocates for and opponents of public displays of the Ten Commandments will argue the issue before the U.S. Supreme Court for the first time in 25 years. Litigators on both sides agree that the justices probably will set parameters on what constitutes an...

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Students Get Time Off for Ramadan at Brooklyn High School

October 23, 2004

Source: The New York Times

On October 23, 2004 The New York Times reported, "the city's Department of Education said yesterday that it would allow Muslim students at Brooklyn International High School to miss class over the next four Fridays for religious observance during the holy month of Ramadan, after students from the school complained that they were...

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Study Examines Jewish Standards for Muslim Dialogue Partners

October 22, 2004

Source: The Forward

On October 22, 2004 The Forward reported, "In an emerging national conversation about the future of Jewish-Muslim relations, several experts this week debated the appropriate conditions under which Jewish community officials should break bread with Islamic groups. The issue is a growing concern for Jewish leaders across the country as Islamic groups are increasing their...

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Polls Show Religious Parties Lead Popular Opinion

October 22, 2004

Source: The Washington Post

On October 22, 2004 The Washington Post reported, "Leaders of Iraq's religious parties have emerged as the country's most popular politicians and would win the largest share of votes if an election were held today, while the U.S.-backed government of interim Prime Minister Ayad Allawi is losing serious ground, according to a U.S.-financed poll by the...

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