
Ramadan Reflections

January 20, 1999

Source: Los Angeles Times

On January 20, 1999, the Los Angeles Times reported on the feasts and celebrations taking place in the San Fernando Valley for Eid al-Fitr, which means "the festival of breaking of the fast" and signals the end of Ramadan. The feast, celebrated on January 19th, saw thousands offer morning prayers at the several mosques in the area and approximately 700 were attracted by the Islamic Center of Reseda to prayers held in Granada Hills.

Ecumenical Martin Luther King Celebration

January 18, 1999

Source: Newsday

On January 18, 1999, Newsday reported on the 14th annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Ecumenical Celebration, which was held this year at the Sons of Israel Synagogue in Woodmere, NY. Approximately 500 Jews, Christians, and Muslims attended the celebration with speakers representing all three religions.

Ramadan Reflections

January 17, 1999

Source: The Boston Globe

The Boston Globe published an article on January 17, 1999 about the presence of the Islamic population in the Greater Boston region. The Globe reports that there are an estimated 40,000 Muslims in Massachusetts, with significant clusters in the Shrewsbury-Northborough-Westborough area and in the Natick-Framingham areas. Omar Khalidi of Wayland, an architect and independent scholar at MIT, attributes the growth of the Muslim community in the Metrowest region of Boston to the "availability of jobs in the computer industry and...

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Ramadan Reflections

January 17, 1999

Source: The Hartford Courant

On January 17, 1999, The Hartford Courant reported that the Islamic Association of Greater Hartford is inviting outsiders to its Berlin Mosque to break the fast at "A Taste of Islam," which is the group's first open house and features food from around the world.

Ramadan Reflections

January 10, 1999

Source: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

On January 10, 1999, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reported on the growing influence of Islam in the Pittsburgh area. The Post-Gazette mentions that Muslims in the Pittsburgh area have conducted "some of the most effective public relations of any religious community." With approximately 10,000 adherents in the Greater Pittsburgh area, Muslims have "mounted an enthusiastic effort to introduce the community to their faith."

Ramadan Reflections

January 2, 1999

Source: Star Tribune

On January 2, 1999, the Star Tribune reported that since the U.S. air strikes against Iraq last month, there has been a upsurge in public interest as to the meaning of Ramadan. Sayyid Muhammed Syeed, secretary general of the Islamic Society of America near Indianapolis, says he's been "barraged with phone calls about this season of praying and fasting."

Religious Practice in the Work Place

December 31, 1998

Source: The Christian Science Monitor

On December 31, 1998, the Christian Science Monitor published an article on the accommodation for Muslim prayer that the city of Denver provided for Muslim taxi and airport-shuttle drivers at Denver International Airport. Denver moved a glass shelter to the grounds of the international airport to provide a warm and dry space for Muslim drivers to pray at the airport. Though, the shelter is open to use by all drivers at the airport as a shelter. Around the country, lawsuits claiming religious discrimination in the work...

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Stamp to Honor El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz

December 27, 1998

Source: The Boston Globe

An article in the December 27, 1998 Boston Globe reported that the U.S. postal service will feature El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz (formerly known as Malcolm X) in their Black Heritage series. The 33 cent stamp will be available in early 1999.

Plans for a New Mosque in Midtown Manhattan

December 27, 1998

Source: The New York Times

On December 27, 1998 the New York Times reported that a local Muslim community plans to purchase a five-story building in midtown Manhattan and convert it to one of the largest prayer halls in the city. The congregation's director, Mohammed Ali Abdelaal, commented, "We are modest people -- a real mix from all over the world, just like Manhattan." The article noted that there are over 400 mosques in the New York City area, the first of which was opened some 45 years ago. "Tucked among the office towers of Manhattan there are about...

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Muslims in the U.S. Military

December 21, 1998

Source: The Washington Post

On December 21, 1998, the Washington Post published an article entitled, "Military, Muslim Life Meld on U.S. Bases." The article noted the increased recognition and visibility of Islam in the Armed Forces, including "appointing three Muslim chaplains, beginning with the Army in 1993; drafting about a dozen others into chaplain training programs; offering pork-free field rations; allowing Muslims to leave duty stations to attend prayers on Friday ... ; facilitating travel to Mecca for Muslim personnel making the hajj, or...

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Ramadan Reflections

December 19, 1998

Source: The Atlanta Journal and Constitution

On December 19, 1998, The Atlanta Journal and Constitution published an article on Ramadan and the Muslim community in Atlanta. The Islamic Circle of North America in Marietta, GA reports that there are about 50,000 Muslims, representing 100 countries, living and working in metro Atlanta. There are 12 mosques in metro Atlanta, including centers in downtown Atlanta, Marietta, Norcross, and Roswell.

American Muslim Council Praises Military on Ramadan Accommodation

December 9, 1998

Source: American Muslim Council

On December 9, 1998, the American Muslim Council issued a press release expressing their appreciation for the "efforts of the US Military in providing greater understanding and accommodation for Muslims in the Service during Ramadan and `Id al Fitr." The statement continued, "The Armed Forces Chaplains Board has issued notification that during Ramadan, Muslims in the Service may be...

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Islamic School in Broward County

November 21, 1998

Source: Sun-Sentinel

On November 21, 1998, Florida's Sun-Sentinel reported that the student body at Nur-Ul-Islam Academy in southwestern Broward County has quintupled in two years, from 33 to 165 students. Nur-Ul-Islam, which educates preschool through 10th grade, is the only Islamic school in Broward County and offers a curriculum of Arabic, Qur'anic studies, Islamic studies, math, English, and geography.
