
Calgary Imam Says Islam, Family Violence Don't Mix; Goes on Hunger Strike

December 19, 2007

Author: Staff Writer

Source: The Candaian Press

An imam from Alberta was planning to go on a weekend hunger strike to bring attention to domestic violence and how it is completely against the teachings of Islam.

Any violence involving families is "absolutely un-Islamic," Syed Soharwardy of the Calgary Islamic Centre said Friday.


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Muslims Fight Hunger Dec. 20

December 19, 2007

Source: Courier News


Bridgewater-based Muslims Against Hunger has organized Muslims Serve Day 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Dec. 20 at Morristown Interfaith Community Soup Kitchen, 36 South St., Morristown.

The event is timed to Eid-ul-Adha, a festival that celebrates the Muslim belief of Abraham's willingness to sacrifice his son, Ismael, for Allah.

"It is an Islamic tradition to feed the poor and needy on any kind of memorable occasion in our life," said Zamir...

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Last Teen Sentenced in Naperville Mosque Break-In

December 18, 2007

Author: Christy Gutowski

Source: Daily Herald

The final of four teens was sentenced Monday for burglarizing the Islamic Center of Naperville.

Mark Domingo was sentenced to serve 21 days in DuPage County jail and three years' probation, similar to his three co-defendants, for felony burglary.

The 19-year-old Naperville man also agreed to pay $2,000 in restitution.

Russia Helps Its Muslims Take the Journey to Mecca

December 16, 2007


Source: The New York Times

Gulsine K. Fatakhudinova, a 56-year-old Tatar Muslim, came lugging suitcases to pray at the lime-green mosque in central Moscow — one of dozens of people who arrived one recent day bundled in the weighty coats, fur hats and other winter garb they would soon cast off, at least temporarily.

Barred by the Soviets for...

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Israel Lets Gazans Leave for Hajj

December 16, 2007

Author: Staff Writer

Source: BBC News

Almost 500 Palestinians have been allowed to leave the Gaza Strip to make the Muslim pilgrimage of Hajj to Mecca in Saudi Arabia, Israel has confirmed.

The Palestinians left Gaza on Sunday by the Erez checkpoint, controlled by Israel and usually closed to civilians.

The 491 pilgrims were taken by bus to the West Bank, before...

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Mass Lamb Slaughter is Halted

December 15, 2007

Author: Mandy Locke

Source: News-Observer

SMITHFIELD - At the state's urging, a Johnston County judge on Friday told a farmer he couldn't open his farm next week to Muslim families planning to slaughter lambs as part of an annual religious celebration.

The order means that about 250 Muslim families in Wake County will have to make other arrangements for slaughtering lambs they bought in...

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Philippines Muslim Factions Agree to Unity Talks: Government

December 15, 2007

Author: Staff Writer

Source: AFP

Rival Muslim factions in the Philippines have agreed to open unity talks on the urging of Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi's eldest son, the government said Saturday.

Manila's peace negotiator said Saif Al-Islam Al-Kadhafi raised the need for unity between the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) and the breakaway separatist Moro...

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Two U.S. Muslims Plead Guilty to Plot Targeting L.A. Synagogues

December 15, 2007

Source: Haaretz

Wire Service: AP

SANTA ANA, California (AP) - Two men accused of plotting behind prison walls to launch Jihad-style attacks on military sites, synagogues and other targets in 2005 pleaded guilty on Friday to conspiring to levy war against the United States.

Kevin James, 31, and Levar Haley Washington, 28, entered their pleas in separate appearances before U.S. District Court...

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National Media Bring Focus to Toledo Area's Muslims

December 14, 2007


Source: The Toledo Blade

The Islamic Center of Greater Toledo, with its twin minarets and golden geodesic dome, towers over the landscape in the southern outskirts of Toledo.

Unlike the striking architecture of the mosque, however, the nearly 6,000 Muslims living in greater Toledo do not stand apart from...

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Court Seeks Gujarat Clarification

December 13, 2007

Author: Staff Writer

Source: BBC News

India's supreme court has sought clarification from a politician over remarks he made during an election meeting in western Gujarat.

The state's chief minister, Narendra Modi, commented on the 2005 killing of a man by police in Gujarat.

Media reports suggested that Mr Modi had "justified" the killing of Sohrabuddin Sheikh, a Muslim civilian....

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British Muslims Say: Put Christ Back in Christmas

December 12, 2007

Author: Staff Writer

Source: The Christian Science Monitor

Wire Service: Reuters

Muslim leaders joined Britain's equality watchdog Monday in urging Britons to enjoy Christmas without worrying about offending non-Christians.

"It's time to stop being daft about Christmas. It's fine to celebrate and it's fine for Christ to be star of the show," said Trevor...

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Muslim Militants Jailed over Terrorist Attacks

December 12, 2007

Author: Staff Writer

Source: Agence France-Presse,23599,22911214-401,00.html

FOUR Muslim militants in Indonesia were jailed for between 14 and 19 years for terrorist attacks in the country's religiously divided Central Sulawesi province.

Muhammad Basri, 29, was jailed for 19 years after being found guilty of involvement in a series of attacks on Christians in the province.

Judge Eddy Risdianto...

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