
Muslim Center and Neighbors Debate over Zoning Permit

July 2, 2003

Source: Chicago Tribune

On July 2, 2003 the Chicago Tribune reported that "neighbors have been complaining for four months about traffic and parking problems caused by Friday afternoon prayers at the... Muslim Educational Center [IL]. In April, when center officials presented plans to add a mosque and more parking to their property... neighbors successfully lobbied the Village Board to reject the expansion... Now some Morton Grove residents are...

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Muslims and Jews Learning from Each Other in Rochester, NY

July 2, 2003

Source: Democrat and Chronicle

On July 2, 2003 the Democrat and Chronicle reported that "the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, drove divisions between Jews and Muslims in many cities, but in Rochester [NY], the dialogue between these two communities is growing deeper and deeper... In fact, because of a series of public programs seeking greater understanding, the Commission on Jewish/Muslim...

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Arab American Files Discrimination Lawsuit against ABC Expediting in Chicago

July 2, 2003

Source: Chicago Sun Times

On July 2, 2003 the Chicago Sun Times reported that "from the first week he worked as a driver and messenger at Chicago's ABC Expediting, Usama Ghanayem says, he was harassed and demeaned for being an Arab American... A supervisor checked under his truck to see if there was a bomb, regularly asked him if he'd bombed anything lately, and derided him with epithets such as 'rag...

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Interfaith Celebration in Kentucky

July 2, 2003

Source: Herald Leader

On July 2, 2003 the Herald Leader reported that "the faces in the Kentucky Theatre last night ranged from black to white to brown... Their voices represented Jews, Muslims, Christians and Catholics... And they were all united in cheers... They were gathered for the patriotic "Faces of Faith in America' rally, hosted by The Interfaith Alliance of the Bluegrass... The event...

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High School Students Participate in Interfaith Training Program

July 2, 2003

Source: Religion News Service


On July 2, 2003 the Religion News Service reported that "fifty Christian, Muslim, and Jewish high school students from the Middle East, South Africa, Northern Ireland and the United States committed to building understanding between peoples of different faiths are spending two weeks together in a groundbreaking leadership-training program... The students, ages 16-18, are participants in the Face to Face/Faith to Faith program, co-sponsored by Auburn...

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Muslim Organizations Question Legitimacy of Bank Cancellations

July 2, 2003

Source: Civil Liberties Digest

On July 2, 2003 the Civil Liberties Digest reported that "American financial institutions are using extreme interpretations of the U.S.A. Patriot Act to justify blacklisting Muslim account holders, reports An-Nahar, an Arabic weekly based in Southern California in its recent issue ending July 2... According...

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Update: Muslim Youth Camp in Iowa Approved

July 1, 2003

Source: The Associated Press

On July 1, 2003 The Associated Press reported that "the Army Corps of Engineers has approved a plan to build the nation's first summer camp for Muslims - if organizers scale back their proposal... Col. William J. Bayles, the corps' district engineer in Rock Island, Ill., issued a report Monday, saying there would be no significant impact from the...

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Advocates Decry Deportation Due to Registration Program

July 1, 2003

Source: Contra Costa Times

On July 1, 2003 the Contra Costa Times reported that "immigrant and civil rights advocates say the government is punishing the Amin brothers and some 13,000 other people who complied with the registration program by seeking to deport them for 'highly technical immigration violations...' Hassan Amin, 19, and his 17-year-old brother Ahmad are in trouble because they have lived...

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Muslims Gather in New York to Celebrate Inauguration of Internet Islamic School

July 1, 2003

Source: Islamic Horizons

On July 1, 2003 Islamic Horizons reported that "New York's famed Madison Square Garden was a showcase of Muslim unity, for Muslim scholars and national and community leaders gathered there to celebrate the inauguration of the Internet Islamic School, April 13. This event [was] sponsored by the Islamic Internet University (IIU)."

Editorial: Sultaana Freeman License Case

July 1, 2003

Source: Newsday,0,6151114.story

On July 1, 2003 Newsday published an editorial by Faegheh Shirazi stating that "many American Muslims cringed when they heard about Sultaana Freeman, a woman from Florida who maintained that removing her veil for a driver's license photo violated her religious beliefs. For most non-Muslims, veiling has become synonymous with Islam. So, although the Muslim...

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Opinion: Intramarriage Keeps Immigrant Communities Isolated

June 30, 2003

Source: The Christian Science Monitor

On June 30, 2003 The Christian Science Monitor ran an opinion piece by Bruce Bawer, an American writer living in Norway, on a study of non-Western immigrant patterns. The article read, "While non-Muslim Europeans live in democracies, most Muslims in the same countries inhabit theocratic enclaves where they are expected to tread a narrow path - or...

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Panel Discussion of Young People of Minority Religions in North Carolina

June 30, 2003

Source: The Herald-Sun

On June 30, 2003 The Herald-Sun reported that "the Century Center is hosting a panel discussion tonight on how young people from minority religions living in the United States can remain true to their faith in a time of war abroad and distrust at home... Tonight's dialogue, 'Keeping the Faith: Expatriate Communities,' will bring together six college and high school students, an audience from the community...

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Muslim Prayer Leaders Face Changing Role in the US

June 29, 2003

Source: The Boston Globe

On June 29, 2003 The Boston Globe reported that "Muslim leaders say the position of imams in the United States has evolved to the point that they are becoming an institutionalized clergy-- a remarkable shift since Islam has no ordained clergy and is led instead by religious scholars, traditionally a group that is distinct from imams... Imad Benjelloun, an imam for mosques in the Quad Cities area of Illinois and Iowa, said Muslims often ask him for guidance on issues that counselors, scholars, and others would provide in his native...

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The Yuba-Sutter Abrahamic Interfaith Dialogue Program

June 29, 2003

Source: Appeal-Democrat

On June 29, 2003 the Appeal-Democrat reported that Ali "Jensen, of Santa Cruz [CA], converted to Islam about 26 years ago after exploring transcendental meditation and Zen Buddhism, he said. According to Islamic teachings, he prays five times a day and fasts for an entire month, among other things... Jensen was speaking at the second Yuba-Sutter Abrahamic Interfaith Dialogue Program, a group involving Christian, Jewish and Muslim members... Coordinators stressed mutual understanding and peace as goals for the dialogue. They also...

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