
After Bombing Attacks at a Malegaon Mosque, Rising Anger and Division

September 9, 2006

Source: BBC News

On September 9, 2006 BBC News reported, "The BBC's Zubair Ahmed visits the town of Malegaon in India a day after it was hit by bomb attacks to find residents seething with anger. 'What goes around comes around,' said a local police officer. The tongue-in-cheek remark was meant to be an off-the-record comment. But that just summed up the reputation of Malegaon, a dusty town of 700,000 people, two-...

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In Wichita, Interfaith Interest in Islam Tapering Off Five Years Later

September 9, 2006

Source: Witchita Eagle

On September 9, 2006 the Witchita Eagle reported, "In the weeks and months following the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, learning about Islam was high on the agenda of many non-Muslim congregations in the Wichita area. Five years later, interest seems to have diminished. 'There are still requests, but it's definitely not like before,' said Nabil Seyam, a member of the Islamic Society of Wichita...

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Nurturing an "American Brand of Islam" with Community Outreach

September 9, 2006

Source: The Record

On September 9, 2006 The Record reported, "It was in many ways a typical day at a New Jersey soup kitchen. Members of a suburban religious congregation arrived one morning last month in cars and SUVs, entered the church hall through the...

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Religion in the Workplace: Rights, Responsibilities - and Respect

September 9, 2006

Source: Charlotte Observer/ Orange County Register

On September 9, 2006 the Orange County Register reported, "Attorneys Richard Streza, Dave Brown and Tim Voorhees, partners at Brown and Streza LLP in Irvine, Calif., hold weekly Bible study in the office. Farmers Insurance broker Belal Dalati has a sign of Allah on his Anaheim office wall and pauses from work five times a day to pray....

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In Cincinnati, Diverse Responses and Dialogue Mark 9/11

September 9, 2006

Source: The Enquirer

On September 9, 2006 the The Enquirer reported, "Five years ago on Sept. 11, 100 people were at Madeira-Silverwood Presbyterian Church at noon after just a few phone calls. That night, more than 350 gathered for prayer after seeing a sign in the church yard. The church, 8000 Miami Ave., has been opening its doors every year on the...

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After 9/11, Muslim-American Identity "Still a Work in Progress"

September 8, 2006

Source: Los Angeles Times,1,2754049.story

On September 8, 2006 the Los Angeles Times reported, "A Muslim homemaker from La Habra Heights, assuming authorities monitor her charity donations, has stopped giving to 'any Muslim charity that touched my heart' and now contributes to less-suspected organizations. In Sacramento, a young imam has broken with an ancient tradition...

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Khatami, in Speech at the National Cathedral, Calls for Dialogue

September 8, 2006

Source: The Washington Post

On September 8, 2006 The Washington Post reported, "Amid noisy protests and tight security, former Iranian president Mohammad Khatami issued a call at the Washington National Cathedral yesterday for leaders in both the West and the Islamic world to launch a historic dialogue to 'rescue life from the claws of the warmongers and...

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Redding Mayor Marks 9/11 at "One Nation Under God" Event; Describes Shiite Muslims as "Wing Nuts"

September 8, 2006

Source: Record Searchlight,2232,REDD_17533_4977583,00.html

On September 8, 2006 the Record Searchlight reported, "Local elected officials and a pastor Thursday used a commemoration of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks to wage spiritual warfare against those who would attack America.

In a ceremony on the Shasta County Courthouse steps titled 'One Nation Under God,' Redding Mayor Ken Murray...

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New Jersey Schools Recognize 75 Religious Holidays

September 8, 2006

Source: Star-Ledger

On September 8, 2006 the Star-Ledger reported, "To keep her perfect attendance record, Tahera Ali's 13-year-old daughter used to go to school for only a couple of hours on the Islamic Day of Ashurah, getting out just in time to attend prayers for what is a holy day of sorrow. 'We wear all black on...

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The Impact of 9/11 on African and Pakistani Immigrant Communities

September 8, 2006

Source: Independent Press Association-New York

On September 8, 2006 the Independent Press Association-New York reported, "The post-September 11 world has made life worse for working immigrants. In the name of national security, the U.S. government has intensified its border patrol and aviation systems, scrutinizing immigrants coming into the country and deporting those who are considered a threat to the safety...

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Women's Interfaith Circle of Palm Beach County to Hold First Retreat

September 8, 2006

Source: South Florida Sun-Sentinel,0,5430645.story?coll=sfla-news-palm

On September 8, 2006 the South Florida Sun-Sentinel reported, "Enough fighting already! A group of Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist and Quaker women don't want to argue about religion. They want to talk. The women don't have solutions to the world's religious conflicts. But they...

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Arabic-Language Site Launched by Thai Government to Reach Out to Muslims

September 7, 2006

Source: International Herald Tribune

Wire Service: AP

On September 7, 2006 the Associated Press reported, "The Thai government on Friday will launch its first-ever Arabic-language Web site to reach out to the Arab and Muslim world, the Foreign Ministry said. The site,, was designed by the Foreign Ministry to provide information about Thai society, ranging from Thailand's revered king to the country's economy, arts and culture, as well as the Muslim community on Thailand....

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