
Muslim Youth Develop Strategy to Address Radicalism

December 4, 2005

Source: Australian Broadcasting Corporation

On December 4, 2005 the Australian Broadcasting Corporation reported, "Young Muslim leaders have forged a plan for improving relations with the wider Australian community. The leaders devised a strategy to tackle radicalism and the alienation of Islamic youth at the inaugural national Islamic youth summit in Sydney yesterday. The 66 young Muslim leaders involved...

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Muslims Angered by Government Plans That Could Close Suspected Mosques

December 4, 2005

Source: BBC News

On December 4, 2005 BBC News reported, "Government plans that could see the closure of mosques suspected of inciting extremism have been attacked by Muslim leaders. Sir Iqbal Sacranie said the move would 'criminalise an entire community for the criminality carried out by a few'. The Muslim Council of Britain secretary general made his comments in a speech to an east London conference focusing on the role of...

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Complaints Filed by Muslim Women Over Head-Scarf at New Jersey DMV

December 4, 2005

Source: Newsday

Wire Service: AP,0,5317760.story

On December 4, 2005 the Associated Press reported, "Despite a policy that allows motorists to wear religious head coverings in their driver license photos, some Muslim women complain that workers at the state motor vehicle commission continue to require...

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Religious Meals Still Served at Passiac County Jail

December 3, 2005

Source: News

On December 3, 2005 the Herald News reported, "Religious meals have continued to be served to inmates at the Passaic County Jail, despite an internal memo in October that they would cease, an official said Friday.

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Crescent Design Removed from Pennsylvania 9/11 Memorial

December 1, 2005

Source: MSNBC

Wire Service: AP

On December 1, 2005 the Associated Press reported, "Designers of a Flight 93 memorial have made a bowl-shaped piece of land its centerpiece, replacing a crescent-shape design that some critics had said was a symbol honoring terrorists, officials announced Wednesday. The new design for the memorial, to be built on the site of the Sept. 11, 2001 crash near Shanksville features most of...

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Nebraska Interfaith Council Faces Funding Problems in Wake of Katrina and Rita

December 1, 2005

Source: Lincoln Journal Star

On December 1, 2005 the Lincoln Journal Star reported, "Hurricanes Katrina and Rita devastated the Gulf Coast, but they also dealt a heavy blow to the Lincoln Interfaith Council. The federal Office of Refugee Resettlement failed to renew an annual grant of about $100,000 to support Faces of the Middle East and the African...

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First National Conference on Muslim Youth Work to be Held

December 1, 2005

Source: BBC News

On December 1, 2005 BBC News reported, "Better services and youth opportunities for young British Muslims are among topics for discussion at a conference hosted by the University of Birmingham. The first National Conference on Muslim Youth Work on Monday will be held at the International Convention Centre. It will look at providing positive services for young British Muslims. Themes...

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New York Sikh Community Hosts Interfaith Thanksgiving Feast

December 1, 2005

Source: Martin Marty Center

On December 1, 2005 the Martin Marty Center reported, "The Sikh community of New York City hosted a thanksgiving feast for local religious leaders, the NYPD, court officials, and a representative of the DA's office, hoping to initiate a program of hospitality and patriotism—and they succeeded with a little help from the Interfaith Center of New York, which co-...

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Textbook Reforms A Challenge in Many Parts of Islamic World

December 1, 2005

Source: Portsmouth Herald

Wire Service: AP

On December 1, 2005 the Associated Press reported, "Page after page, the self-appointed hate hunters underline passages in Pakistani school books. They flag hard-edged Muslim views toward other faiths such as describing past efforts by Hindus and Christians to 'erase' Muslims. Or [they] note sections that speak of martyrdom, and...

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Muslim-Owned Liquor Stores Attacked in Oakland

December 1, 2005


On December 1, 2005 reported, "The issue of liquor stores in poor African-American neighborhoods such as those in Oakland, California has long been an issue of contention with urban activists. Seen by many as magnets for criminal behavior and contributing to alcohol abuse among the poor, liquor stores were one of the first targets in the 1992 Los Angeles riots. It gets even more...

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41 Student Religious Groups at UNC Mirror Religious Diversity in US

November 30, 2005

Source: The Daily Tar Heel

On November 30, 2005 The Daily Tar Heel reported, "UNC’s spiritual life in many ways serves as a microcosm of greater society. The 41 registered student religious groups mirror the variety of faith in the U.S., with groups ranging from Baha’is to Baptists. And though there’s no sign Americans are going to church more often......

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MPAC Releases Survey of Muslim American Youth

November 30, 2005

Source: Muslim Public Affairs Council

On November 30, 2005 the Muslim Public Affairs Council reported, "In simultaneous press conferences held this morning in Washington, DC and Los Angeles, the Muslim Public Affairs Council unveiled results from a groundbreaking poll of young American Muslims. Among the primary findings of the poll is that more than half (54%) of American Muslims between the ages of 14-26 feel...

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