
Hindus, Muslims Willing to Tie the Knot Outside Their Religions

July 20, 2009

Author: Staff Writer

Source: Breaking News 24/7

An increasing number of Hindus and Muslims are willing to exchange wedding vows with people of other faiths, according to researchers.

A Monash University research has shown that 10 per cent of Hindus have married out of their faith, along with 8 per...

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Court to Decide On Aug 3 If Islamic Councils Can Intervene In Allah Suit

July 20, 2009

Author: Debra Chong

Source: The Malaysian Insider

The High Court here will decide in the next two weeks whether to allow several state Islamic councils into a legal dispute moved by the Catholic Church which is fighting for...

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Blog: "Reversal In the Case Of Tariq Ramadan" By: Abdullahi Ahmed An-Na’im, Mohammed Bamyeh, Richard W. Bulliet, Craig Calhoun, John L. Esposito, Mark Juergensmeyer, and Arvind Rajagopal

July 20, 2009

Author: Abdullahi Ahmed An-Na’im, Mohammed Bamyeh, Richard

Source: The Immanent Frame

Off the cuff is a new feature at The Immanent Frame, in which we pose a question to a handful of leading thinkers and ask for a brief response. Our first question concerns the case of Tariq Ramadan.

As the New York Times reported Friday, a federal...

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A Hindu Temple Where Muslims Also Pray

July 19, 2009

Author: Asit Srivastava

Source: Thaindian News

A temple dedicated to Hindu god Shiva in a village here counts many Muslims among its devotees. Not only do they take part in some rituals but also donate for community feasts during every festival.

The Pataleshwar temple is in Bambhrauaa village of...

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Bill Bars Religious Attire for Teachers

July 19, 2009

Author: Greg Bolt

Source: The Register-Guard

Workers in Oregon will be able to wear a turban or yarmulke on the job under a bill passed by the state Legislature that protects religious practices for almost everyone, except public school teachers.

The bill, expected to be signed into law by Gov. Ted Kulongoski, keeps in place a controversial...

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Dilemma for Sikhs Who Escaped Tribal Areas

July 19, 2009

Author: Isambard Wilkinson

Source: The National

The Sikh community of north-western Pakistan faces an uncertain future after fleeing fighting between security forces and the Taliban.

Sikhs from across the North West Frontier Province (NWFP) and the tribal areas have taken refuge over the past three months within the...

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U.S. Attorney General Engages L.A.'s Muslim American Youths

July 18, 2009

Author: Paloma Esquivel

Source: The Los Angeles Times,0,5378684.story

In a quiet event during an otherwise well-publicized visit to Los Angeles this week, U.S. Atty. Gen. Eric Holder Jr. reached out to local Muslim American youths, calling on them to work with the government to fight violent extremism and pledging that the Justice Department would...

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A Shiite Schism On Clerical Rule

July 17, 2009

Author: Anthony Shadid

Source: The Washington Post

As Iran simmers over its disputed presidential election, Shiite clerics in Iraq are looking across the border with a sense of satisfaction that they have figured out a more durable answer to a question that has beset Shiite Islam for centuries: What role should religion play in...

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Court Reverses Ruling Dealing With Visa Of Muslim Scholar

July 17, 2009

Author: Benjamin Weiser

Source: The New York Times

A federal appeals court in Manhattan on Friday reversed a lower-court ruling that had allowed the government to bar a prominent Muslim scholar from entering the United States on the ground that he had contributed to a charity that had connections to terrorism.

The scholar, Tariq Ramadan, 46, a Swiss academic, was to...

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The Baptist And the Mullah Launch a Faith-Based Attack On the Taliban

July 16, 2009

Author: Michael M. Phillips

Source: The Wall Street Journal

In a country soaked with religion, it has fallen to an Oklahoma Baptist to turn Islam into a weapon against the Taliban.

The U.S. military, eager to hand the war over to the Afghan government, has placed mentors throughout the Afghan National Army. The Americans help commanders command, fliers fly and spies spy. U.S. Army...

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