
Houston Suburb Faces Plans for Exclusive Christian Memorial on September 11

July 19, 2002

Source: The Houston Chronicle

On July 19, 2002 The Houston Chronicle reported that "an effort by evangelical Christians to commemorate the tragedy of 9/11 in The Woodlands has split the religious community and led to accusations of intolerance in this suburban area north of Houston, [Texas]... Critics of the memorial service on the anniversary date accuse its organizers of implicitly stigmatizing the Muslim community... and of monopolizing the logical venue for a commemoration that would embrace all faiths... Rabbi James Brandt of the Congregation...

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Latino Muslims Receive More Attention and Support

July 17, 2002

Source: Islamic Horizons

On July 17, 2002, Islamic Horizons magazine featured the article "Latino Muslims: The Changing Face of Islam in America." The article observes that in America, "the Muslim community is becoming even more diverse... In recent years the number of Latino reverts [or converts] has increased significantly... Estimated reports claim that 40,000 Latino Muslims live in the U.S."

New Figures Show Rise in Citizenship Applications but Fewer Naturalized

July 17, 2002

Source: The San Francisco Chronicle

On July 17, 2002 The San Francisco Chronicle reported that "when immigration and civil rights attorney Saad Ahmad goes to pray at his Santa Clara [California] mosque these days, he is approached by fellow worshipers seeking advice about becoming U.S. citizens... Since Sept. 11, he has counseled non-naturalized residents to get citizenship... And across the nation record numbers of immigrants have applied, not only out of fear of a backlash but because they felt a rise in patriotism after the terrorist attacks... New...

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New Somali Community in Lewiston, Maine Turns Old Store into Mosque

July 16, 2002

Source: The Boston Globe

On July 16, 2002 The Boston Globe featured an article on the new Somali immigrant community in the small town of Lewiston, Maine. A "converted storefront is the mosque for Lewiston's 1,200 Somali immigrants, part of a growing wave of African Muslims who have moved to this old mill city in a sudden, swift migration that has no current parallel in the United States... Lewiston is [now] known worldwide among the Somali diaspora as a welcoming, affordable place to settle and raise a family... Still, in a state that prides itself on...

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Tampa Tribune's Coverage of Muslim Issues Elicits Protest

July 15, 2002

Source: The Tampa Tribune _archive=1

On July 15, 2002 The Tampa Tribune reported on the "approximately 80 protesters demonstrating against The Tampa Tribune’s coverage of Muslim issues." The protesters claimed that "the coverage of Muslim issues in The Tampa Tribune... is biased and often a thinly...

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Opening Prayers at Ohio Governmental Meetings Increase in Diversity

July 14, 2002

Source: Dayton Daily News

On July 14, 2002 Dayton Daily News reported that "prayers from... a variety of Christian denominations routinely open governmental meetings in the Miami Valley [in Ohio]... [But] a Xenia councilwoman is inviting Muslims, Hindus and representatives from other faiths to do the same... 'This is America' Patricia Felton said. 'We need to make that opportunity available to anyone who wants to speak'... Likewise in Columbus, the majority of those who lead the prayers for state legislators are Christians, but in recent years several...

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Growing Muslim Community in Louisiana

July 14, 2002

Source: The Times-Picayune

On July 14, 2002 The Times-Picayune featured an article on the Muslim community of St. Bernard Parish in Louisiana. "Since 1985, Masjid Yaseen, the mosque maintained by the Islamic Association of Arabi... has served as a place of worship for a growing community of Muslims... Unlike New Orleans, where a large number of the Muslims are Arabs, the majority of Muslims in St. Bernard Parish are from India or Pakistan. About 60 percent are Indian, 20 percent Pakistani, 10 percent Arab and 10 percent American converts. Many...

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Pakistani Muslims Fear Continued Federal Raids in Philadelphia

July 14, 2002

Source: The Philadelphia Inquirer

On July 14, 2002 The Philadelphia Inquirer reported on the federal raids and arrests of Pakistani immigrants that are "familiar, fearsome events in this South Philadelphia... neighborhood since Sept. 11... The sweeps have sown fear and resentment in this bedraggled stretch of South Seventh Street. Ten months after the terror attacks, apprehension may...

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Religious Diversity in Texas Prisons

July 14, 2002

Source: The Dallas Morning News

On July 14, 2002 The Dallas Morning News reported that "at first glance, prisons may seem an unlikely place to find religion... But as inmates grapple with the despair and monotony of prison life, some find religion... In all, nearly 140 denominations are represented in the Texas Department of Criminal...

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Islamic Summer Camp in California Focuses on Peace

July 13, 2002

Source: The Fresno Bee

On July 13, 2002 The Fresno Bee featured an article on "Camp Green Meadows, the annual Sierra gathering of Islamic youth and adults," in California attended this year by "nearly 250 Muslims... The five-day camp encourages Muslims in their faith and to be productive citizens... Classes and workshops this year focused on peace and ways to dispel stereotypes that link Islam with terrorism, especially in the wake of the Sept. 11 attacks on the United States."

Atlanta Area Muslim Americans Fear Profiling in Federal Investigations

July 13, 2002

Source: The Atlanta Journal and Constitution

On July 13, 2002 The Atlanta Journal and Constitution reported that "recent federal raids of local jewelry stores coupled with reports that terrorism suspects are under nationwide surveillance has renewed anger and fear in Atlanta's Muslim community... 'People are very frightened...

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Muslim Woman Denied Request to Wear Hijab in Court

July 12, 2002

Source: The Plain Dealer

On July 12, 2002 The Plain Dealer reported that "more than 50 Muslims and community leaders gathered in front of the Justice Center [in Cleveland, Ohio] to protest the jail's refusal to let an Islamic woman wear a head covering in court...    Depriving Aisha Samad of her hijab, an object with social, religious and sexual implications, was akin to demanding that a non-Muslim woman strip to the waist in public, one protester said... Samad's scarf and other belongings were taken as part of standard procedure... Rufus Sims, an...

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