
California mosques pray for 10 accused of shouting down Israeli ambassador

August 29, 2011

Muslims Sunday night prayed for 10 students on trial Monday in Orange County on charges of disturbing a public gathering where an Israeli diplomat was speaking. "Mosques across Southern California will be filled with worshipers echoing similar prayers this Sunday night, showing support for 10 students who could be facing up to one year in prison for interrupting Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren's speech last year," the activist group's announcement said Saturday. "Students facing trial were arrested, cited and released after shouting and protesting during a February 2010 speech by Israeli...

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The 30 Mosques crew report from South Dakota…

August 11, 2011

The 30 Mosques crew report from South Dakota with an amazing and beautiful profile of an American convert to Islam and his Malysian wife. They married while he was in prison. This post: "The 30 Mosques crew report from South Dakota…" was originally posted at Talk Islam - a crescent waxing eloquent. The RSS feed may not be used at other sites without permission. You can subscribe to this RSS feed for Talk Islam at Content at this blog is licensed by Aziz Poonawalla under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States...

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Islamic Resource Group

This data was last updated on 27 April 2020. 
This organization is featured as an exemplary model for interfaith work in our section on Promising Practices. You can read the full profile here.

Address: 3055 Old Highway 8, Suite 45, St. Anthony, MN 55418
Phone: 612-460-0165

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The Afghan Coalition

This data was last updated on 14 May 2020.

Address: 39155 Liberty St., D-460 , Fremont, CA 94538
Phone: 510-745-1680
Mission: The Afghan Coalition is a non-profit community-based organization that seeks to empower refugee families, women and youth, both locally and in Afghanistan and to build bridges between the United States and...

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U.S. Attorney's Office Seeks Outreach to St. Louis Muslims

March 2, 2011

Author: Phillip O'Connor

Source: The St. Louis Post-Dispatch

At a time when some St. Louis-area Muslims feel under siege from federal authorities, Zia Faruqui hopes to change that perception. 

U.S. Attorney Richard Callahan recently appointed Faruqui, an assistant U.S. attorney, as outreach coordinator to the...

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Interfaith Gathering Outside Hamden Mosque to Protest Vandalism

February 25, 2011

Author: Brian Burnell

Source: NECN

A mosque in Connecticut has been targeted by vandals for the third time. So, people from all faiths gathered outside an Islamic center in Hamden on Friday to protest the repeated acts of vandalism.



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Suit Claims FBI Violates Muslims' Rights At Mosque

February 23, 2011

Author: Thomas Watkins

Source: The Washington Post

Wire Service: AP

Plaintiffs in a lawsuit against the FBI said Wednesday that the agency's use of a paid informant to infiltrate California mosques has left them and others Muslims with an enduring fear that their phones and e-mails are being screened...

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Demonstrations Held Outside King’s Office Ahead Of Hearings On Radical Islam

February 22, 2011

Author: Staff Writer

Source: CBS News New York

Wire Service: AP

New York Congressman Peter King wants to investigate why Muslims are becoming more radical here in the United States.


But as CBS 2’s Demetra Ganias...

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Cancel Bigoted Hearings Targeting U.S. Muslims

February 21, 2011

Author: Stephen Prothero

Source: CNN Belief Blog

According to a new poll, a slim majority - 56 percent - of Americans support upcoming congressional hearings into alleged extremism in the U.S. Muslim community. However, nearly three-quarters - 72 percent - think Congress should not look for...

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