
Nation of Islam in the African American Community

March 4, 2003

Source: The Tampa Tribune

On March 4, 2003 The Tampa Tribune reported that "in 1976, after much reflection and research, he cast aside his Christian upbringing and embraced Islam. Three years later, Otha Favors was gone forever when he adopted the Muslim name Askia Muhammad Aquil... 'Being a Muslim has helped me understand what true manhood is all about,' says Aquil, 56, director of the nonprofit St. Petersburg Neighborhood...

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Update: Youth Proceeds with Hate Crime Suit

March 4, 2003

Source: Los Angeles Times,1,4146349.story?coll=la%2Dheadlines%2Dpe%2Dcalifornia

On March 4, 2003 the Los Angeles Times reported that "police have arrested two teenagers and are seeking other members of a mob suspected of beating an 18-year-old Arab American man in Yorba Linda [CA] while shouting white supremacist slogans......

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Update: Civil Suit against NYPD

March 4, 2003

Source: The Sikh Coalition

On March 4, 2003 The Sikh Coalition reported that "The Sikh Coalition and Amric Singh (Rathour) filed a federal lawsuit challenging the New York Police Department's (NYPD) "no turban" policy. Amric Singh was terminated by the NYPD in August 2001 for refusing orders to remove his turban and trim his beard, both required by his religion... A contingent of Sikh police officers from Canada and Great Britain joined Amric Singh at the press conference. The Sikh officers stressed that the turban did not impede their ability to perform...

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Update: Lawmakers Walk Out of Muslim Prayer in Washington State House

March 4, 2003

Source: The Seattle Post-Intelligencer

On March 4, 2003 The Seattle Post-Intelligencer reported that "when a Muslim cleric offered the opening prayer before the [WA] state House of Representatives yesterday, at least two lawmakers stepped off the chamber floor... 'The Islamic religion is so... part and parcel with the attack on America. I just didn't want to be there, be a part of that,' [Rep. Lois McMahan...

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Student Organized Conference Focuses on Domestic Muslim Community

March 3, 2003

Source: The Michigan Daily

On March 3, 2003 The Michigan Daily reported that "while the war against terror has placed much emphasis on the status of Muslims internationally, a conference held in the Michigan Union Ballroom over Spring Break attempted to focus on the Muslim community domestically... 'We wanted to really bring emphasis on Muslims in America,' said Muslim...

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Role of Military Chaplains

March 3, 2003

Source: St. Louis Post-Dispatch

On March 3, 2003 the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported that "the chaplain in all U.S. military services is an officer and a full member of the armed forces. No matter what his or her rank, even if it is general or admiral, he or she is addressed simply as chaplain... All branches of the armed services require chaplains to have at least one graduate degree in theology or pastoral care from a seminary. All need the continued sponsorship of their faith group. If that sponsorship is dropped, unless they find another denomination...

Read more about Role of Military Chaplains

Muslim Unity Conference Held in Orlando

March 1, 2003

Source: Islamic Horizons

On March 1, 2003 Islamic Horizons reported that "the third annual Muslim Unity Conference was hosted by the Islamic Society of Central Florida (ISCF) in conjunction with ISNA, under the theme, 'Our Youth, Our Family, Our Future' Dec. 26-29, 2002 in Orlando, Florida. ISNA secretary general Dr. Sayyid M. Syeed ... said that on the national level, ISNA has developed a relationship of total respect and trust with the major non-Muslim religious organizations, and it is now up to the local level to confirm this work."

Libraries Receive Islam Collection from the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)

March 1, 2003

Source: Islamic Horizons

On March 1, 2003 Islamic Horizons reported that "In September 2002, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), a national civil rights and advocacy group, launched a major educational initiative to educate Americans about Islam and to counter anti-Muslim bigotry. The year long campaign, called 'Explore Islamic Civilization and Culture," involves the community-sponsored distribution of books, videos and audiocassettes about Islam and Muslims to some 16,200 public libraries nationwide."

An Islamic Response to Domestic Violence

March 1, 2003

Source: Islamic Horizons

On March 1, 2003 Islamic Horizons reported that "in 2002, MCCHS (Muslim Community Center for Human Services) started a domestic violence counseling program and established a relationship with area women's shelters. MCCHS, which cannot afford to operate a shelter, receives calls from women in distress and from shelters where women are taking refuge, offers counseling, and assists in their rehabilitation. MCCHS strives to council families before relationship problems become serious and irresolvable... Muslim leaders and imams...

Read more about An Islamic Response to Domestic Violence

Faiths Unite to Protest War

March 1, 2003

Source: Islamic Horizons

On March 1, 2003 Islamic Horizons reported that "Busloads of Muslim Americans from across the U.S. joined tens of thousands of fellow citizens of many faiths in Washington on Jan. 18-- in 20 degree temperatures-- to demand peace. The rally, preceding Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday, was part of the ongoing preemptive antiwar movement. The most popular chant was 'No War For Oil,' and the crowd carried placards saying: 'Regime Change Starts at Home' and 'Would Jesus Bomb Them?' Organizers said that it was the largest showing...

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Inaugural Ceremony of All Area Muslim Society Masjid attended by Virginia Leaders

March 1, 2003

Source: Islamic Horizons

On March 1, 2003 Islamic Horizons reported that "Over 500 people attended the formal inaugural ceremony of the All-Dulles Area Muslim Society (ADAMS) masjid in Sterling, VA held on Jan. 25." Republican and Democratic representatives from Virginia, Virginia Lt. Governor Tim Kaine, VA state senators, and other government officials spoke at the event.

Internet Islamic School Opens

March 1, 2003

Source: Islamic Horizons

On March 1, 2003 Islamic Horizons reported that "The Internet Islamic School will be inaugurated with an epoch-making event being held at the Madison Square Garden in New York City on April 13, 2003, under the theme, 'Let's make this world a better place to live.' This event will bring together the national Muslim leadership and scholars, and provide an avenue for building up the confidence of the Muslim community and motivating them as well, said Zaheer Uddin, president of the Internet Islamic University that also operates IIS.

Religious Walk by Muslims Draws Police Attention

February 28, 2003

Source: The Hartford Courant

On February 28, 2003 The Hartford Courant reported that "with Americans on the alert for terrorists and a war looming in Iraq, Muhammad Amir and his colleagues attracted more attention than they bargained for as they passed through Connecticut on a religious walk from New York to Boston... State police received several 911 calls Thursday afternoon as Amir and a small group of men wearing beards, turbans and Muslim dress walked along Route 6 near the Bolton Ice Palace and a pizza parlor... Amir said police have stopped his group...

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