
In Paris, a Grassroots Backlash Against Multiculturalism: "Identity Soup"

February 28, 2006

Source: The New York Times

On February 28, 2006 The New York Times reported, "More than 200 political demonstrators defied a police ban here on Thursday, scurrying across Boulevard St.-Germain and under the sycamore trees of Place Maubert to engage in their forbidden action: eating 'pig soup'' in public.

With steaming bowls of the fragrant broth...

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"A Plea from 11 Muslim Academics and Activists: Don’t Be Silenced by Extremists"

February 28, 2006

Source: Toronto Star

On February 28, 2006 the Toronto Star printed a statement by 11 Canadian Muslim academics that read, "A curtain of fear has descended on the intelligentsia of the West, including Canada. The fear of being misunderstood as Islamophobic has sealed their lips, dried their pens and locked their keyboards. With hundreds dead around the world in the aftermath of the now infamous Danish cartoons, Canada...

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President Says War on Terror Needs Religious Tolerance

February 28, 2006

Source: Daily Times

Wire Service: Reuters

On February 28, 2006 Reuters reported, "Winning hearts and minds in the war against terrorism needs a balanced dose of freedom and religious tolerance, the president of Indonesia, the world’s most populous Muslim nation, said on Monday. President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono...

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US Agrees to Pay Damages to Muslim Detained After 9/11

February 28, 2006


On February 28, 2006 reported, "The US government has agreed to pay $300,000 to settle an illegal detention lawsuit brought by an Egyptian man who was among hundreds of Muslims rounded up in New York after the September 11, 2001 attacks. 'It underlines that due process and fair treatment should be reserved and protected even in times of chaos,'...

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Masjid Al-Islam Works to Transform Oakland Neighborhood through Outreach, Food

February 27, 2006

Source: Alameda Times-Star

On February 27, 2006 the Alameda Times-Star reported, "Every Friday, Ibrahim Talib and his brothers in faith look for a new street corner where they will give out free popcorn and cotton candy. Their East Oakland neighborhood might be marred by drugs and violence, but the popcorn stand is a streak of optimism in an otherwise bleak neighborhood, they say... For nearly two...

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At Brown University, a Muslim Chaplain to Build Sense of Community

February 27, 2006

Source: Eyewitness News TV

Wire Service: AP

On February 27, 2006 the Associated Press reported, "[Rumee] Ahmed is Brown [University's] first Muslim chaplain and joined four other associate chaplains at the school when he started last month. Many universities have Muslim chaplains, but Ahmed is among just a handful that are paid, said Janet Cooper Nelson, chaplain at Brown...

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Islamic Center of Tacoma Hosts Open House to Educate, Engage Neighbors In Wake of Cartoon Crisis

February 27, 2006

Source: The News Tribune

On February 27, 2006 The News Tribune reported, "The University Place mosque held an open house Sunday to show non-Muslims the sanctuary, and answer questions about their religion – with a special focus on the prophet Muhammad and the recent controversy regarding some newspapers’ decision to publish editorial cartoons depicting him.


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Update: PM Criticized for Comments About Stripping Some Muslims of Citizenship

February 27, 2006

Source: The Sydney Morning Herald/AAP

On February 27, 2006 the Australian Associated Press reported, "Prime Minister John Howard's comments about Islamic extremism have come under fire at the first meeting of his hand-picked Muslim advisory committee. Committee members warned parliamentary secretary Andrew Robb that...

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Brookings Institution Hosts 4th Annual US-Islamic World Forum

February 27, 2006

Source: Muslim Public Affairs Council Press Release

On February 27, 2006 a Muslim Public Affairs Council Press Release reported, "The Brookings Institution, a major think tank based in Washington, DC, embarked on a major initiative for global dialogue earlier this month by assembling government officials, political activists and leading thinkers in the political, religious, science, and cultural arenas during its...

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Opinion: "It Takes More than Tea and Biscuits to Overcome Indifference and Fear"

February 27, 2006

Source: The Guardian,,1718626,00.html

On February 27, 2006 The Guardian ran an opinion piece by columnist Madeleine Bunting about "the inadequacies of Britain's smug multiculturalism" that the recent cartoon controversy has exposed. Bunting writes, "This is how Britain does multiculturalism. It creates community leaders and then expects them to organise their fiefdoms. At an institutional level there is plenty of tea and...

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Baltimore County Muslims Express Concerns About School System Calendar Recommendations

February 27, 2006

Source: The Baltimore Sun,0,4844129.story

On February 27, 2006 The Baltimore Sun reported, "A Baltimore County school board committee has made recommendations about religious holidays for the school system's calendar, and a leader of the Muslim community said he is disappointed that it didn't suggest closing for two Islamic holy days. One of the recommendations is to allow...

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Muslim Pop Star Deeyah Releases Provocative Music Video, Receives Death Threats

February 27, 2006

Source: National Post

On February 27, 2006 the National Post reported, "A Muslim pop star has hired bodyguards for her upcoming tour in Britain after receiving death threats over her newest video, which features her stripping off a burka to reveal her bikini-clad body. Deeyah, who has been dubbed the...

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Tariq Ramadan: Impact of Cartoons May Create Deeper Fracture than 9/11

February 26, 2006

Source: Sunday Herald

On February 26, 2006 the Sunday Herald reported, "One of Europe’s most high- profile Muslim scholars has warned that the Danish cartoons of the Prophet Muham med could have a greater long-term impact on global stability than 9/11. Professor Tariq Ramadan, who sat on the Muslim task force chaired by Tony Blair after the July 7 London bombings last year, said the fear generated by the cartoons had uncovered 'problems that need...

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