
Pennsylvania teachers may soon be free to wear religious garb, insignias in school

June 14, 2023


Public school teachers may soon be free to wear a religious insignia, clothing, marks or emblems to work without fear of losing their job.

What happened: The House Education Committee unanimously passed legislation on Tuesday that would eliminate a section of the Public School Code that barred teachers from wearing such items while performing their teaching duties. Violators faced a year’s suspension for the first offense or permanent disqualification after multiple offenses. That section of law also allowed school directors to be held criminally liable for...

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Why you might notice more religious groups at Pride celebrations this year

June 7, 2023

More pro-gay God-talk at Pride this year is no accident. It's a national initiative of the progressive Interfaith Alliance, involving Christians, Muslims, Jews, Hindus and others. It's called Faith for Pride, and it's meant, in part, to counter the message of anti-LGBTQ rights legislation in statehouses around the U.S.

"We are not going to let this happen to our LGBTQ siblings," said Interfaith Alliance president Paul Raushenbush, who is also a Baptist minister. "Not on our watch."

Beyond passing out swag and having fun at Pride events, he says it's a time to...

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Nevada governor signs law allowing religious, cultural regalia at graduations

May 26, 2023


Gov. Joe Lombardo on Thursday signed a bill permitting Nevada students to wear religious and cultural regalia for graduation ceremonies.

Students are entitled to express themselves at graduation through any unique cultural and religious identity, Lombardo said.

“This legislation will allow students to walk with pride and confidence at their graduation, and I’m grateful to all of the teachers, legislators, and students who worked to get it to my desk,” he said in a statement.

Source: ...

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Lawsuit against Hamline University raises questions about religious discrimination law

May 17, 2023


A lawsuit brought by a former Hamline University art history instructor who showed images of the Prophet Muhammad in class is raising new questions about how to interpret laws prohibiting religious discrimination.

An attorney representing Erika López Prater told a federal judge Wednesday that he believes the private university in St. Paul would have treated his client differently had she been Muslim. The university decided not to renew her contract and in a campus email an administrator called her actions "undeniably inconsiderate, disrespectful and...

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Religious Freedom Claim Over Meditation in School Can Proceed

May 17, 2023

A former Chicago high school student’s claim that a transcendental meditation instruction program is unconstitutional can proceed, a federal court said. 

The US District Court for the Northern District of Illinois denied cross-motions for summary judgment on Tuesday because there were factual disputes on whether an initiation ceremony into the program violated the establishment clause. 

Amontae Williams sued Chicago’s Board of Education, the David Lynch Foundation, and the University of Chicago over the program in 2020. Williams signed a consent form to...

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For many congregations, wiping out medical debt has become a popular calling

March 1, 2023

When members of First Presbyterian Church decided to launch a capital campaign to expand and renovate their imposing Gothic Revival edifice, they also wanted to take on a service project to help the poor.

The congregation settled on raising $50,000 to eliminate medical debt for people living below the poverty line.

Helping ease medical debt, especially for people of color, is an increasingly popular social justice project among liberal Christian, Jewish and Muslim congregations. Over the past few years some 800 U.S. congregations have partnered with ...

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Sporadic and subjective: How Pennsylvania's religious 'garb ban' has impacted teachers

February 14, 2023

Haajar Abdullah-Aziz was 8 or 9 when her mother, a Philadelphia public school teacher, told her she might lose her job.

Her mother, Aisha El-Mekki, was a devout Muslim. El-Mekki’s principal approached her, she said, and told her she was violating Pennsylvania’s school code by wearing a hijab and modest dress.

“I learned that no teacher can wear anything that symbolizes their religion,” the principal reportedly said. “What are we going to do about this?”


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'It's time for us to be bold': Why six religious leaders are fighting to expand abortion access

February 13, 2023

It's a somewhat familiar story: A group of religious leaders last month filed an abortion-related lawsuit. They argued their religious freedoms were being violated.

But, instead of challenging abortion rights, they wanted to see an abortion ban overturned. The leaders are seeking to reverse Missouri's abortion ban, arguing lawmakers imposed their religious beliefs on others through passing it.

“We want this not just to be a lawsuit but also a public awareness campaign to show people they can be religious and also in support of abortion rights,” said the Rev. Cindy...

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Spiritual advisers offering final comfort in execution rooms

February 6, 2023

For decades, Missouri executions played out in similar fashion: An inmate was strapped to a gurney in a drab room, alone except for the eyes of witnesses staring through thick, soundproof glass as unidentified executioners administered the lethal chemical from behind a cinderblock wall.

But in November, convicted killer Kevin Johnson spent his final moments speaking softly with a pastor, praying, being assured of forgiveness. When ...

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Hamtramck City Council votes to allow religious animal sacrifices with conditions

January 10, 2023

The city of Hamtramck voted Tuesday night to change its animal ordinance, which would allow for religious sacrifice as long as it’s done legally and humanely.

The religious slaughtering of certain animals like goats or sheep is practiced among Muslims during the holiday of Eid. The city’s Muslim population has been booming in recent decades, with the city recently becoming the first in the U.S. to have an all-Muslim city council and a Muslim mayor.

In the city council chambers in Hamtramck, residents packed inside talking during public comment for nearly three hours...

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