One of the few common elements within the diversity of Native traditions is the idea that all dimensions of social life are profoundly integrated. Instead of “religion,” the broader term “life-way” is often used to describe the traditions of Native peoples.... Read more about Religion as a Way of Life
Native American Traditions
Native American Traditions
Native American Traditions
Myth of the “Vanishing Indian”
Millennia of Religious Diversity
Religion as a Way of Life
Struggle and Survival: Native Ways of Life Today
Many Local Traditions
Anishinaabe Ojibwe Ways
Apache Women’s Initiation and Divine Renewal
Sacred Pipe of the Lakota Sioux
Haudenosaunee Iroquois Religion and Politics
Image Gallery
Explore Native American Traditions in Greater Boston
Native Americans from several dozen tribes have inhabited what we call Greater Boston for at least 10,000 years. Despite centuries of ill treatment, coerced conversion attempts, social marginalization, and painful acculturation, the complex nature-based spiritual traditions of nearly thirty distinct tribes and bands survive in New England today. The more than 6,000 Native Americans who call Greater Boston home are active through a range of social and community organizations.